
2009年11月30日 星期一

3.7 Creating a text frame on the master page

1. Zoom in the bottom of the left master page.
2. Select the Type tool. On the left master page, drag a text frame below the 2nd column where the guides intersect.
3.With the insertion point in the new text frame, choose Type > Insert Special Character > Current Page Number
4. To add an em space after the page number, right-click with the insertion point in the text frame, and then choose Insert White Space > Em Space.
5. Type Summer Vacations after the em space.
6. Select the text frame containing the footer. Make sure that all of the text you entered is visible. If necessary, enlarge the text frame by dragging the lowerright corner until the text is visible.
Should we use the Scale tool.
7. Choose Type > Character to view the Character panel.
8. Choose Adobe Garamond Pro from the Font Family menu and Regular from the Type Style menu.
9. Make sure that the Font Size box shows 12 pt.
10. Select the Select tool. If necessary, drag the footer frame so that the upper-left corner snaps to intersection of the horizontal and vertical guides you created earlier.
11. Click the upper-left corner of the reference point locator, which is in the upper-left corner of the Control panel.
12. Click a blank area of your document window to deselect the text frame.
13. Select the footer text frame on the left master page. Hold down the Alt key and drag the text frame to the right master page.
14. Make sure that you can see the bottom of the right master page.
15. Select the Type tool, and click anywhere inside the text frame on the right master page.
16. Click Paragraph Formatting Controls at the left side of  the Control panel, and then click the Align Right button.
17. Delete the em space and page number at the beginning of the footer.
18. Place the insertion point at the end of Summer Vacations and then choose Type > Insert Special Character > Markers > Current Page Number.
19. Place the insertion point between Summer Vacations and the page number character. Right-click and then choose Insert White Space > Em Space.
20. Choose Edit > Deselect All, and choose File > Save.

3.6 Dragging guides from rulers

1. Double-click the name A-Master in the Pages panel.
2. While moving the pointer around the document window, watch how the hairline indicators in the horizontal and vertical rulers correspond to the pointer's position and that the dimmed X and Y values in the Control panel indicate the position of the pointer.
3. Press Ctrl and drag a ruler guide down to about 62 picas. View the Y value in the Control panel (Window > Object & Layout > Transform)or the Transform panel to see the current position.
4. Or you may select the guide and type 62, and then press Enter.
5. Drag a ruler guide from the vertical ruler to the 12p0.6 position.
6. Drag another guide from the vertical ruler to the 88p5.4 position.
7. Choose File > Save.

2009年11月29日 星期日

3.5 Adding guides to the master page

1. In the upper section of the Pages panel, double-click the name A-Master. The master spread's left and right pages appear in the document window.
One-click A-Master has the same result, doesn't it?
2. Choose Layout > Create Guides.
3. Select Preview.
4. Rows: Number 8; Gutter 0
5. For Fit Guides to, select Margins.
6. Click OK.

3.4 Switching between open indesign documents

1. Choose the Window menu. A list of currently open InDesign documents is displayed at the bottom.
2. Choose the document you want to view. That document now appears in front.

3.3 Creating a new document

1. Choose File > New > Document.
2. In the New Document dialog box, choose the Magazine preset from the Document Preset menu if it isn't already selected.
3. Click OK.
4. Open the Pages panel by choosing Window > Pages.
5. Choose File > Save As, name the file 03_Setup.indd in the Lesson_03 folder, and click Save.

2009年11月28日 星期六

InDesign 3.2 Creating and saving custom page settings

1. Choose File > Document Presets > Define.
2. Click New in the Document Presets dialog box.
3. In the New Document Preset dialog box, set the following:
Document Preset: Magazine
Number of Pages: 12
Facing Pages: v
Width: 50p3
Height: 65p3
Columns:  Number  5   gutter  1p0
Margins: Top 3p0  Inside 3p0  Bottom 4p0  Outside 3p0
4. Bleed: Top 1p6(=0.25 in)  Bottom 1p6  Inside 1p6  Outside 1p6
5. Click OK.

2009年11月27日 星期五

3.1 Getting started

1. Locate C: > Documents and Settings > Application Data > Adobe > InDesign > Version 6.0 > en_US >InDesign Defaults (in my computer) and move it to D: > InDesign Defaults > InDesign Defaults 3.
2. Start InDesign.
3. Open the 03_End.indd file in the Lesson_03 folder. That is what the finished document looks like.
4. Scroll through the document to view the spreads.
5. Page 2-3 is the spread you'll complete in this lesson. Leave it open for reference.
Spread is two facing pages.

InDesign 2.20 Cropping and moving the photograph

1. Choose Edit > Deselect All.
2. Using the Selection tool, click the armadillo.
3. Position the pointer over the middle handle on the right side of the armadillo frame and the pointer changes to a two-headed arrow. Hold down the mouse button and drag the frame toward the center of the armadillo to crop it.
4. Using the Selection tool, position the pointer over the center of the armadillo frame (Actually we may place it over any place in the frame). Drag the object so that it snaps to the bleed guide at the right edge of the page.
5. Choose View > Screen Mode > Preview to see the finished pages.
6. Choose File > Save.
7. Choose File > Close.

2009年11月26日 星期四

InDesign 2.19 Targeting layers when placing objects

1. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 3 icon.
2. Choose Window > Layers to display the Layers panel.
3. Click the word "Photos" in the Layers panel to target the Photos layer.
4. Using the Selection tool, click the pasteboard to make sure that nothing is selected.
5. Choose File > Place. Click 02_Armadillo.tif and then Shift+click 02_Gecko.tif in the Lesson_02 folder. Click Open.
6. Click in the white area above the word "Mexico" to place the armadillo at the top of the page.
7. Click at the bottom of the far-right column of text to place the gecko graphic.
8. With the gecko graphic still selected in the Control panel, type 15 in the Rotation Angle box and press Enter.
9. In the Layers panel, click the box to the left of the Text layer name so that the layer lock icon appears.
10. Choose File > Save.

InDesign 2.18 Positioning graphics within a frame

1. Select page 2 in the page box in the lower-left corner of the document window to navigate to page 2. Press Ctrl+0 to fit the page in the window.
2. Using the Direct Selection tool, drag the picture of the red sun to the right, making it visible. With the Direct Selection tool, you can reposition a graphic within its frame.
3. Using the Selection tool, click the picture of the blue hand.
4. Drag the top-center handle upward to expand the size of the frame.
5. Choose File > Save.

InDesign 2.17 Changing the frame and text position

1. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 4 icon.
2. Using the Selection tool, click the pull quote to select its text frame.
3. Choose Window > Object Styles to display the Object Styles panel.
4. In the Object Styles panel, hold down the Alt and click Pull-Quote to format the selected object with the Pull-Quote object style.
What is the content of Pull-Quote object style?
5. Choose File > Save.

InDesign 2.16 Creating and applying a character style

1. Make sure that the text you formatted is still selected, and choose Type > Character Styles to display the Character Styles panel.
2. Hold down the Alt and click the Create New Style button at the bottom of the Character Styles panel.
3. In the Style Name box, type Italic and click OK.
4. Using the Type tool, select the (page 7) reference and click Italic in the Character Styles panel to  apply the style.
5. Apply the character style Italic to the (page 2) reference and to the (page 5) reference.
6. Choose View > Fit Page in Window, and then close the Character Styles panel.
7. Choose File > Save.

2009年11月25日 星期三

InDesign 2.15 Formatting text for the character style

1. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 7 icon.
2. Using the Type tool, select the (page 7) reference along with the period following it.
3. In the Character Formatting Controls area of the Control panel, select Italic from the Type Style menu.
4. Type 11 in the Font Size box.
5. Choose File > Save.

InDesign 2.14 Applying paragraph styles

1. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 3 icon.
2. Select the Type tool, and click anywhere in the columns of text.
3. Choose Edit > Select All.
4. Choose Type > Paragraph Styles.
5. In the Paragraph Styles panel, click Body Text.
6. Choose Edit > Deselect All.
7. Using the Type tool, click anywhere in the first paragraph on page 3.
8. In the Paragraph Styles panel, select Body Text / Drop Cap.
9. Choose File > Save.

InDesign 2.13 Adjusting the size of a graphic

1. Scroll to view page 5.
2. Using the Selection tool, click to select the picture of the blue crescent moon.
3. In the Control panel, choose 50% from the Scale Y Percentage menu.
4. Choose File > Save.
Select the graphic with the Direct Selection tool to see the scaled size.
26.76382E x 26.76382E ???

InDesign 2.12 Changing the frame and text position

1. Using the Selection tool, click the pull-quote text frame to select it, and then choose Object > Text Frame Options.
2. In the Inset Spacing area, type .075 in the Top box, and press Tab.
3. Make sure the Make All Settings The Same button in the center is selected, so that the same value is used for all 4 sides of the frame.
4. Choose Center from the Align menu, and click OK.
5. With the frame still selected, choose Thick-Thin from the Stroke Type menu and 4 pt from the Stroke Weight menu.
6. Choose File > Save.

InDesign 2.11 Adding a stroke to the frame

1. Choose Window > Swatches
2. With the text frame still selected, click the Stroke box at the top left of the Swatches panel.
3. Select PANTONE Warm Red CVC.
4. To change the weight of the stroke, right-click the frame, and select Stroke Weight > 0.5 pt from the context menu.
5. Click the pasteboard to deselect all objects, and then close the Swatches panel.
6. Choose File > Save.

InDesign 2.10 Wrapping text around an object

1. Make sure that the pull-quote frame is selected.
2. Choose Window > Text Wrap. In the Text Wrap panel, click the 3rd button from the left side "Wrap around object shape".
3. Type .1389 in into one of the Offset fields and press Enter.
Enter is omitted here.
4. Close the Text Wrap panel.
5. Choose File > Save.

InDesign 2.9 Fine-tuning the layout

1. Choose View > Fit Page in Window.
2. In the lower-left corner of the document window, click and hold down the arrow to the right of the page number indicator. Select page 4 from the list of available pages.
3. Use the Selection tool to select the pull quote.\
4. On the left side of the Control panel, click the center point in the reference point locator and enter an X value of 4 in and a Y value of 3 in. Press Enter.
5. Using the arrow keys on the keyboard, nudge the location of the frame. The bottom of the frame should pass through the middle of the red star. The pull quote should now be centered between the columns of text on page 4.
Any way do as the figure displays.


InDesign 2.8 Threading text

1. Using the Selection tool, click the out port in the frame that is in the 2nd column on page 3.
2. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 4 icon to center page 4 in the document window.
3. Hold down ALT key and click the loaded text icon in the upper-left corner of the 1st column.
This is called semi-automatic threading.
4. Position the loaded text icon in the upper-left corner of the 2nd column on page 4, and click.
5. Click the out port in the text frame on the 2nd column of page 4.
Whenever the pointer displays a loaded text icon, you can click any tool in the Tools panel to stop flowing text.
6. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 7 icon, centering page 7 in the document window.
7. Hold down the ALT, position the loaded text icon in the left column, just below the guide on page 7, and click. Release the ALT key.
Depending on where you click to create the frame and the version of the fonts in use, text may fit exactly or be slightly overset.
8. Position the loaded text icon in the 2nd column below the guide, and click.
9. Choose File > Save.
I think that there is a little mistake in the  figures of step 4 and 8.

InDesign 2.7 Placing and flowing text

1. Choose File > Place.
2. Navigate to the Lesson_02 folder in the Lessons folder, and double-click the 02_Article.doc file.
With a loaded text icon, you can drag to create a new text frame, click inside an existing frame, or click to create a new frame within a column.
3. Position the loaded text icon just below the 4th guide from the bottom margin and just to the right of the left margin, and click.
4. Select the Selection tool, and click the out port in the selected frame.
5. Position the loaded text icon immediately below the 4th guide from the bottom margin and just to the right of the 2nd column guide.
6. Choose File > Save.

InDesign2.6 Adding Text

1. Select the Type tool. Align the pointer with the vertical guide that runs through the "x" in "Mexico" and the horizontal guide under the word.
2. Drag to create a text frame for a headline. Then select the Type tool and click inside the text frame.
3. Type "Exploring Mexican Folk" Art in the text frame.
4. With an insertion point still in the text, choose Edit > Select All.
5.  In the Control panel, click the Character Formatting Controls icon (A).
I can't find icon (A) until I choose Type > Font > Adobe Garamond Pro > Regular and then choose Type > Size > 18 pt.
5.1 Select Adobe Garamond Pro.
5.2 Select  Semibold.
Semibold can't be found in the Font Family submenu. The Chinese translation here in not faithful to the original English text.
5.3 Select 18 pt.
6. Choose File > Save to save your work.

2009年11月24日 星期二

InDesign 2.5 Viewing guides

1. Double-click the page 3 to view page 3.
2. Choose View > Grids & Guides > Show Guides.

InDesign2.4 Changing the View mode

1. Click and hold down the Mode button at the bottom of the Tools panel and choose Preview.
2. Choose Bleed from the Mode menu to preview the document with its predefined bleed area that extends beyond the page boundaries.
3. Select Slug from the Mode menu to preview the document with the predefined slug area.
4. Finally, select Normal from the Mode menu to return to Normal view.

InDesign2.3 Preflighting as you work

1. Choose Window > Output > Preflight to open the Preflight panel.
2. Select B&W Job (embedded) from the Profile menu.
I can't find it as an option in the Profile menu. I can't do the following steps.

InDesign 2.2 Viewing the lesson document

1. Return to Bridge and double-click the 02_Start.indd file.
2. Choose File > Save As. Type the new name "02_Tout.indd" and click Save.
3. Click the pages icon in the dock at right to view the Pages panel.
4. Drag the Pages panel tab (to the lower left) out of the panel group.
5. In the Pages panel, double-click the numbers 6-7 below the page icons to view the last spread in the document.
6. View each page in the document, by trying the following methods:
6.1 Double-click the numbers below the page icons to display the full spread in the document window.
6.2 Double-click an individual page icon to display only that page in the document window.
6.3 To center the spread in the window, double-click the Hand tool in the Tools panel.
7. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 3 icon to view page 3.

2009年11月22日 星期日

InDesign 2.1 Getting to Know Indesign

1. Move InDesign Defaults file to a different folder. Should we do it the 2nd time?
2. I can't find the Welcome Screen. The Welcome Screen should appear after we start InDesign.
3. Start Adobe InDesign CS4. To ensure that the panels and menu commands match those used in this lesson, choose Window > Workspace > [Advanced], and then choose Window > Workspace > Reset Advanced.
200KB InDesign Defaults is created again in its original folder.
4. Click the Go To Bridge button in the Control panel.
Application bar should be on the top, shouldn't it?
5. Try to locate InDesign CS4 CIB folder >   Lessons folder > Lesson_02  folder> 02_End.indd
6. Click the 02_End.indd file. If you can't see the Metadata panel, please move the right edge of the Content panel left. Then the Preview and Metadata panels are shown.
7. Double-click the file above to open it.
8. Scroll through the document in the InDesign to see all the pages.                                        

2009年11月21日 星期六

InDesign1.12 Using context menus

1. Using the Selection tool, click any object on the page.
2. Right-click the text frame the text frame. Note what options are available.
3. Select different objects to see what commands are available.

2009年11月20日 星期五

InDesign 1.11 Using the Hand tool

1. Select the Hand tool.
When we are using Type tool, press the Alt + spacebar to use the Hand tool. The typist omitted spacebar.
2. Click and drag to move the page around, and then drag upward to page 2.
3. Hold the mouse button down to display a view rectangle. Drag the rectangle to view a different area of the page or a different page. Release the mouse button to display the page.
In the Tools panel, double-click the Hand tool to fit the spread in the window.
Can we say to fit the page in the window?

InDesign 1.10 Turning pages

1. Click the Pages panel icon to expand the Pages panel.
2. Double-click the page 2 icon to center the 2nd page in the document window.
3. Double-click the B-Master icon and then collapse the Pages panel.
4. Click the down arrow at the bottom of the document window and choose 1.
5. Click the Next Page button to switch to the 2nd page.
6. Click the Previous Page button to switch back to the 1st page.
7. Choose Layout > Go to Page.
8. In the Page box, type 2. Click OK.
9. Using the vertical scroll bar, go back to page 1.

InDesign 1.9 Changing the magnification of a document

If you close the Application bar, the zoom controls appear in the lower-left corner of the document window.  How to close it?
What's the difference between Fit Page In Window and Fit Spread In Window?

Using the Zoom tool
1. Scroll to page 1. Choose View > Fit Page In Window to position the page in the center of the window.
2. Select the Zoom tool in the Tools panel and position it over the yellow car.
3. Click once. The view changes to the next preset magnification, centered on the point where you clicked.
4. Alt + Zoom tool(-)
5. Click once and the view is reduced.
6. With the Zoom tool still selected, drag a marquee around the car. The smaller the marquee, the larger the degree of magnification.
7. In the Tools panel, double-click the Zoom tool to switch to a 100% view.
8. Click the Selection tool in the Tools panel and position it in the document window.
9. Ctrl + spacebar can turn the Selection tool icon to the Zoom tool icon (+).
10. Ctrl + Alt + spacebar can turn the Selection tool icon to the Zoom tool icon (-).
11. Choose View > Fit Page In Window to center the page.

InDesign 1.8 Customizing the workspace

1. Choose Window > Workspace > New Workspace
2. In the New Workspace dialog box, type Swatches and Styles in the Name box.
3. Choose Window > Workspace to see that your custom workspace is selected. Besides looking at the panels click the menus to see workspace-specific features are highlighted.
4. Choose Window > Workspace > Advanced to return to the Advanced workspace.
5. Choose Window > Workspace > Reset Advanced to return to the default configuration.
We may also delete the custom workspace by choosing Window > Workspace > Delete Swatches. Select Swatches and Styles from the Name menu and click Delete.

InDesign 1.7 Using panel menus

1. Drag the Swatches panel out of the dock.
2. Click the panel menu button to display the panel menu.
3. Choose Large Swatch from the Swatches panel menu.
4. Leave the Swatches panel as is.

InDesign1.6 Rearranging and Customizing panels

1. Open the Start.indd, drag the tab of the Paragraph Styles panel, to remove the panel from the dock.
2. Drag the tab of the Character Styles into the blank area of the Paragraph Styles panel title bar. This action creates a panel group and you can drag any panel into a group.
3. To ungroup the panels, drag one of the panel tabs out of the panel group. You can also stack floating panels in a vertical arrangement.
4. Drag the tab of the Paragraph Styles panel to the bottom of the Character Styles panel. The panels are now stacked and you can move the panels as a unit by dragging the topmost title bar.
5. Drag the lower-right corner of each panel to resize them. Click the >> or just the title bar to collapse the stacked panels to icons.
6. Click to expand the panels.
7. Regroup the panels by dragging the tab of the paragraph Styles panel up next to the Character Styles panel tab. Minimize the panel group by clicking the gray area next to a panel's tab.
8. Minimize the panel group and leave it horizontally aligned.

2009年11月17日 星期二

InDesign 1.5 Expanding and collapsing panels

1. In the default dock to the right of the document window, click the Pages panel icon to expand the Pages panel.
Try the other panel icons.
2. To collapse the Pages panel, click the double arrows to the right of the panel names of click the panel icon again.
3. Choose Window > Info to open the Info panel.
4. To add the Info panel to the dock, drag it by its title bar below the Character Styles panel (i.e. the Control panel); release the mouse button when the blue line appears.
Then the Info panel combines with the Tools panel. It seems that we can't separate them without resetting Advanced.
5. Drag the left edge of the panel dock to the right until the names are hidden.
6. To expand all the panels in the dock, click the double arrow in the upper-right corner of the dock.
If you click the double arrow again, the panels collapse back to icons without names.
(No way. Do as step 5 does.)

InDesign 1.4 Working with multiple document windows

1. Choose Window > Arrange > New Window.
A new window titled 01_Magazine.indd:2 (It should be 01_Start.indd:2) opens. The original window is now titled 01_Magazine.indd (It should be 01_Start.indd:1).
2. Mac OS.
3. Select the Zoom tool in the Tools panel.

InDesign 1.3 Reviewing the document window

1. Choose View > Entire Pasteboard to see the full size of the pasteboard for the pages in this document.
2. If necessary, click the Maximize button to enlarge the document window.
3. Choose View > Fit Page In Window (Ctrl+0) to restore the view.
4. In the lower left of the document window, click the arrow next to the Page Number box.
5. From the menu of document and master pages that appears, choose 2.
6. Click the arrow to the left of the Page Number Box to switch back to page 1.

2009年11月16日 星期一

InDesign 1.2 Reviewing the control panel

1. Scroll to center the 1st page in the document window.
2. Click the text Fashion+Lifestyle.
3. In the Control panel, click the X and Y arrows to see how to reposition a selected frame.
4. Using the Type tool, select the text Fall 2009. Notice that the information in the Control panel has changed.
5. Click the A button to display character formatting controls.
6. Drag the vertical bar of the Control panel into the document window and make it float.
7. Drag the Control panel back to the top of the window.

InDesign 1.1 About the tools panel

1. Locate the Tools panel on the left side of the pasteboard.
2. To undock the Tools panel and make it float (it - redundant) in the workspace, drag the panel by its gray title bar or the gray dotted bar below the title bar to pull it into the pasteboard.
3. The Tools panel can become a honrizontal row by clicking the double arrow at the top of it.
4. Position the pointer over the Selection tool in the Tools panel and the tool's name and shortcut are displayed in a tool tip.
I doubt that the shortcut Esc can be used to activate the Selection Tools.
5. Click the Direct Selection tool and hold down the mouse button to display a pop-up menu of tools. Select the Position tool and it will replaces the Direct Selection tool.
6. Click the Position tool again, hold down the mouse button to display the menu, and choose the Direct Selection tool. This is the default tool that displays.
7. Point at each tool in the Tools panel to see its name and shortcut.
8. Click the double-arrow in the Tools panel to turn it into a two-column vertical panel. Click it again to return to the default Tools panel.
9. Drag the Tools panel to the far left of the screen to dock it again.
10. Choose View > Fit Page In Window and it can reposition the page in the center of the document window.


InDesign 1 Introducing the workspace

Getting started
1. Before you start, move the Defaults file to a different folder to ensure that the preferences and default settings of your program match those used in the lesson.
2. Start InDesign. To ensure that the panels and menu commands match those used in the lesson, choose Window > Workspace > Advanced, and then choose Window > Workspace > Reset Advance.
3. Choose File > Open, and open the 01_Start.indd file in the Lesson_01 folder.
4. Choose File > Save As, rename the file 01_Magazine.indd, and save it in the Lesson_01 folder.

2009年11月7日 星期六


Nesting a video in a newspaper

1. Open 17-3.prproj
2. Select the completed sequence and play it to see the effect you will create.
3. Open the nested practice sequence.
4. Drag the enters office.avi clip to the Video 1 track of the nested practice sequence.
5. Drag newspaper.psd to the Video 2 track and adjust the length of the newspaper clip to match the movie clip.
6. Select the enters office clip in Video, and adjust the video to fit in the window of the newspaper.
7. Delete the audio of the Enters office.avi clip by Alt-clicking the audio and pressing Delete.
8. Click the practice sequence to make it active.
9. Drag writers 2.avi to the Video 1 track of the nested practice sequence.
10. Drag the nested practice sequence to the Video 2 track and make the clip in Video 1 the same length as the nested practice sequence in Video 2.
11. With the nested practice sequence clip selected, add a Scale keyframe in the Motion effect at about 3 seconds from the beginning of clip. Set its value to 80. Set another Scale keyframe at the beginning of the clip and set its value to 0.
12. Set a keyframe for the Rotation parameter in the Motion effect at the beginning of the clip. Set its value to -4x0.0. Set another Rotation keyframe at the same point in the Effect Controls Timeline as the second Scale keyframe. Set the value of this Rotation keyframe to 0.0.
13. As a nice touch, you can right-click the 2nd Rotation keyframe and set it to Ease In.
14. Play the clip.

2009年11月6日 星期五

The Fast Color Corrector effect

1. Drag writers 3.avi to the sequence to the right of the previous clip.
2. Choose Video Effects > Color Correction and apply the Fast Color Corrector effect to the writers 3.avi clip.
3. Click the Balance Magnitude control point in the middle of the color wheel and drag it a little toward yellow.
4. Notice how the blue cast to the clip is now gone. Select the Show Split View option to see the difference.
I think the difference is slight.
5. Adjust the amount of color correction by increasing Balance Magnitude to about 15 and the Balance Angle to -140. This shifts the tone a little toward yellow to better match the writers 2 clip.
6. Change the Saturation parameter to about 83 to make the colors a bit less intense.
7. Slide the midtone input level to about 1.6 to lighten the midtones.
8. Play the 2 clips and they now match much better than before.
9. Choose Window > Workspace > Color Correction
10. Click the Reference Monitor panel menu and choose All Scopes (The shortcut for it is ~).
while I was looking for my Reference Monitor panel, I lost time units and time code in the  timeline panel. All things went a mess.
Even when I reopened the project, I couldn't make the settings right.

tidal shift
ramp up:  : to increase, expand, or decrease especially quickly or at a constant rate —usually used with up or down 

The Auto Color effect

1. Delete Color Balance (RGB) from the start clip, choose Video Effects > Adjust,  and replace Color Balance (RGB) with Auto effect.
2. Try some parameters.

The Color Balance (RGB) effect

1. Load 17-2.prproj.
2. Drag the Color Balance (RGB) effect from the Image Control folder to the clip on the Timeline.
3. Change the Red, Green, and Blue settings to give this scene a cooler appearance (more blue). Try 98% for Red, 104% for Green, and 116% for Blue, as shown in the figure on the left. (figure)

gamut:  the whole series of recognized musical notes;
 an entire range or series 

2009年11月5日 星期四

The Change to Color

1. Remove the Leave Color effect, choose Video Effects > Color Correction, and apply the Change to Color effect to that clip.
2. Expand the Change to Color effect in the Effect Controls panel.
3. Move the CTI over the clip so you can see the blue lamp clearly in the Program Monitor.
4. Use the eyedropper next to From to sample the blue color from the lamp.
5. Click the To color swatch and select a red.

The Leave Color Effect

1. Open 17-1.prproj
2. Drag the enters office.avi clip to Video 1 and position the CTI at about halfway so you have a good view of the desk lamp.
3. Choose Video Effects > Color Correction and apply the Leave Color effect to the clip.
4. Expand Leave Color in the Effect Controls panel. Using the eyedropper next to Color To Leave, click the blue lamp to select the color to retain.
5. Set Amount to Decolor to 100%. This turns everything but the selected color to grayscale.
6. Set Tolerance to about 36%. You might need to adjust this figure a little to get the effect you want. (figure)
7. Play the clip. Only the blue lamp is in color.

Chap. 17 Color, Nested Sequences, and Shortcuts

sepia:  a brownish-gray to dark olive-brown color
hard-edged: having a tough, driving, or sharp quality 


2009年11月4日 星期三

Making a traveling matte

1. Open 16-5.prproj.
2. Drag the face matte to Video 3. Stretch the face matte clip to the same length as the other clip.
3. Select the face matte clip and then expand the Motion effect in the Effect Controls panel.
4. Set a Position keyframe at the beginning of the clip by clicking the Toggle Animation button to the left of Position. Position the white circle where the woman's face.
5. Scrub the Timeline to about the halfway point of the clip and adjust the matte to be over the woman's face. Move halfway across the remainder of the clip and do the same thing again. Continue setting keyframes until you can scrub the clip and have the matte over the face at all times. (figure)
6. Select the Video 2 clip, select Video Effects > Stylize, and apply the Mosaic effect to it. Set the horizontal and vertical blocks' values to 30. This makes the clip in Video 2 a mosaic.
7. Locate the Track Matte Key effect in Video Effects > Keying and apply it to the clip in Video 2. This is the same clip to which you applied the Mosaic effect.
8. Set Matte to Video 3 and Composite Using to Matte Alpha.
9. Play the sequence.

Creating a split-screen effect

The one little gotcha is that the garbage matte effects reveal part of a clip -- they don't shrink the clip to fit it in the borders of the garbage matte, as happens when you use Motion to make PIPs.

gotcha: an unexpected usually disconcerting challenge, revelation, or catch; also : an attempt to embarrass, expose, or disgrace someone (as a politician) with a gotcha

Gotcha is a relaxed pronunciation of "I got you" or "I've got you" usually referring to an unexpected capture or discovery.

Using matte keys

matte : a motion-picture effect in which part of a scene is blocked out and later replaced by footage containing other material (as a background painting)
1. Load 16-4.prproj.
2. Drag the theater.psd clip to Video 2 and stretch it to be the same length as the video clip.
3. Drag the Four-Point Garbage Matte Key effect from the Keying folder to the theater.psd clip.
4. Use your mouse to drag the 4 control points in the Program Monitor to the 4 corners of the sign. Changing View Zoom Level to 25% would make it easy to locate the 4 control points..
5. Set the zoom of the Program Monitor back to Fit.
6. Expand the Motion field, and adjust the Position and Rotation fields so that the sign appears in the lower-right corner. (figure)

Tips for effective color or chroma key shots

chroma key: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroma_key

hot spot : a place of more than usual interest, activity, or popularity hot spots>
overdo : to do in excess   "overdo the lighting"
barn door
key in. Computersto enter (information) into a computer by means of a keyboard.
spill : to let out : divulge 

The tighter the shot, the more realistic the finished look be.

camcorder: : a small portable combined camera and video recording device

give weight to something

Fig. to attach importance to something. I give a lot of weight to your opinion. Kelly gave no weight at all to the comments by Betty.


2009年11月3日 星期二

Using the color key effect

1. Load 16-3.prproj.
2. Scrub the Timeline to see the background you are using for the greenscreen clip.
3. Drag green screen shot.avi to Video 2. Play the Timeline to see the woman walking in front of a greenscreen. Leave the current-time indicator in the middle of the clip where the woman is in full view.
4. Choose Video Effects > Keying and apply a color key to the clip in Video 2.
5. Drag the eyedropper from the Key Color parameter into the clip in the program Monitor and click the green area on the left side of the woman.
6. Adjust the Color Tolerance slider until as much of the green disappears without any of the woman's skin of clothing becoming transparent.
7. Drag a second color key filter to the green screen shot.avi clip.
8. Drag the eyedropper from the Color parameter into the clip in the Program Monitor and click the green that is on the right side of the woman.
9. Adjust the Color Tolerance slider until as much of the green disappears as possible.
10. You may have a portion of greenscreen still showing in the upper left of the frame. If so, drag a third color key filter to the clip and repeat the procedure, sampling the green that is left.
11. Press Enter to render and play the sequence.


2009年11月2日 星期一

Using video effects that work with graphic-file alpha channels

1. Choose Video Effects > Stylize > Alpha Glow to apply an Alpha Glow effect to the graphic in Video 2, open its Settings dialog box, and experiment with its settings.
The Start Color and End Color parameters set the colors of the glow.
2. Delete Alpha Glow from the Effect Controls panel, choose Video Effects > Perspective > Bevel Alpha, and drag the Bevel Alpha effect into its place.
3. Choose Video Effects > Perspective and add a Drop Shadow effect below the Bevel Alpha effect in the Effect Controls panel. Set Shadow Opacity to 70%, Distance to 10, and Softness to 40. (figure)
Some video formats may also contain alpha channels. DV cannot, but the QuickTime .mov and uncompressed .avi formats are examples of formats that can contain alpha channels. ???
4. Drag the scratches.mov clip over the logo clip in Video 2 to overlay it.
5. Drag the brown clip to Video 3 and set its Opacity parameter to 20%. Press Enter to render and play the sequence.


Working with alpha-channel transparencies

1. Drag logo.psd to Video 2, overlaying the blend title.
The blend title can't be overlayed. We might as well delete it.
2. Adjust the position parameters to 600 and 340, as shown here. (figure)
3. Choose Video Effects > Keying > Alpha Adjust to apply Alpha Adjust to Logo.psd.
As with the Transform effect's connection to Motion, you can use Alpha Adjust to apply Opacity at some other point in the effect chain, instead of second-to-last, where it would occru if you were to use the Opacity fixed effect. ???
4. Select Ignore Alpha to see the alpha channel as opaque rather than transparent.
5. Delete Alpha Adjust in the Effect Controls panel.


Combine layers based on a blending mode

1. Open 16-2.prproj.
2. Click the gradient circle clip to select it.
3. Expand the Opacity effect in the Effect Controls panel.
4. Change the blending mode to Multiply and then play the sequence to see the effect.
5. Try a few other blending modes and observe their effect.
6. Delete the gradient circle clip and drag the blend title to Video 2 track. Stretch the title to the same length as the video clip in the Video 1 track.
7. Change the blending mode on the Blend title menu to Color Dodge and play the clip.

Chap. 16 Compositing Techniques

1. Open 16.prproj.
2. Play the clip.
3. Drag brown matte to the Video 2 track and stretch brown matte to be the same length as the video clip in the Video 1 track. Play the clip and you you will find the video is covered.
4. Select the brown matte clip and expand Opacity in the Effect Controls panel.
5. Use keyframes to set an Opacity effect of 100% (opaque) at the beginning of the clip and an Opacity effect of 0% (completely transparent) at the end.
6. Play the clip.
7. Right-click the brown matte clip and choose Copy.
8. Drag the gradient circle on top of the brown matte clip and stretch it to the same length as the video clip.
9. Right-click the gradient circle clip and choose Paste Attributes.

backdrop: background
solid:  of a single color
tint:   a usually slight or pale coloration : hue


Modifying the metadata

1. Clear the Metadata search bar
2. Double-click the word boy in the transcribed text. Change it to boys, as this is what the actor actually said.
3. Double-click the word smart and change it to smarter.

Searching transcription for keywords

1. Type China in the search bar and note that both instances of china are highlighted in the transcribed text.
2. Click the word china.
The playhead in the Source Monitor moves to the corresponding frame of video. The timecode is also displayed at the bottom of the Metadata panel.
3. Try to click different words.

2009年11月1日 星期日

Chap. 15 Audio Transcription

Transcribing audio to text
1. Open 15-1.prproj.
2. Click Window > Workspace > Metalogging
3. Double-click the "weiters talk to boss.avi" clip in the Project panel
4. Play the clip in the Source Monitor
5. Click the Transcribe button in the Metadata panel to start the transcription process.
6. In the Speech Transcription Options dialog box, choose the options shown in this figure and click OK. (figure)
7. Click Start Queue.
8. Switch back to Premiere and note that the text transcription appears in the Speech Transcript panel in the right bottom side.
9. Play the clip and notice that the words are highlighted as they are spoken..

metadata: data that provides information about other data
meta means after, not 中

Using multiple tracks and Dynamic Link with Soundbooth

1. Open Soundbooth, and choose File > New > Multitrack File
2. Choose File > Adobe Dynamic Link > Import Premiere Pro Sequence
3. Navigate to the Lesson 6 folder, click 6-5.prproj, and the sequences within that project will be displayed in the right Sequence pane. Choose the Complete sequence, and click OK.
4. Click the Scores tab in the upper-left panel.
5. Drag the AqoVisit score to the Audio 1 track.
6. Press the backslash key to zoom the Timeline so you can see the entire score.
7. Drag the right edge of the score to the left until it is the same length as the video sequence.
8. Play the sequence. Notice the score is too loud and is covering the narration. Lower the volume of the score by lowering the dB to -12.

on the fly:  simultaneously with another task on the fly>

Adding audio effects in Adobe Soundbooth

1. Another way to add an effect to the Effects panel is to click the Add an effect to the rack icon in the lower-right corner of the panel. In the Effects panel, choose Male as the effect preset for the Vocal Enhancer effect.
2. Play the file to hear the effect.
3. Choose Analog Delay from the Add an effect to the rack icon, and experiment with the many presets available if possible.
4. Try one of the Rack presets -- Choose Voice: Old Time Radio -- and play the effect.
5. Try some other effects.
This gives you access to the detailed settings of each effect. Chinese translation misunderstood it.

tweak:  to make usually small adjustments in or to especially : fine-tune

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