
2009年12月29日 星期二

7.12 Creating another tint

1. Deselect all objects.
2. Select Blue in the Swatches panel. Choose New Tint Swatch from the Swatches panel menu. Type 40 in the Tint box, and then click OK.
3. Select the text "iSi!" with the Selection tool, and apply the Blue 40% fill.
4. Deselect all objects.
5. Double-click the Blue swatch to change the color. In the Swatch Name box, type Violet Blue. For the color percentages, type the following values:
C=59, M=80, Y=40, K=0
6. Click OK.
7. Choose File > Save.

7.11 Applying colors to additional objects

1. In the Tools panel, select the Zoom tool, and then drag to place a marquee around the text in the middle of the page.
2. Select the Direct Selection tool, and click the text "Yes!".
3. Drag the Green fill swatch from the Swatches panel to the text "Qui!". Be sure to drop it inside the object and not on the object's stroke. The pointer changes to an arrow with a black box when you drop the swatch onto the fill of the text. An arrow with a line to the right appears if you drag the swatch onto the stroke of the text.

7.10 Applying color to text

1. Select "Indulgent?" and "Paris.Madrid.New York."
2. Click the Formatting Affects Text button below the Fill box. Then make sure the Fill box is selected.
3. In the Swatches panel, click PANTONE 567 C,
4. Choose File > Save.

7.9 Creating a spot color

1. Deselect all objects.
2. Choose New Color Swatch from the Swatches pane menu.
3. In the New Color Swatch dialog box, choose Spot from the Color Type menu.
4. Select PANTONE Solid Coated in the Color Mode list.
5. In the PANTONE C text box, type 567 to automatically scroll the list of Pantone swatches to the color you want for this project, which is PANTONE 567 C.
6. Click OK.

2009年12月28日 星期一

7.8 Creating a tint

1. Choose View > Fit Page In Window.
2. Delelect all objects.
3. Select Brown in the Swatches panel. Choose New Tint Swatch from the Swatches panel menu. For Tint percentage, type 30 and then click OK.
4. Using the Selection tool, click the word "iSi!" in the center of the page.
5. Click the Brown tint that you just created in the Swatches panel.
6. Choose File > Save.

7.7 Adjusting the direction of the gradient blend

1. Make sure the center diamonds is still selected, and then select the Gradient Swatch tool in the Tools panel.
2. To create a more gradual gradient effect, place the cursor outside of the selected diamond and drag diagonally.
3. To create a sharper gradient, drag a small line in the center of the diamond.
4. Drag from the top to the bottom of the diamond.
5. Choose File > Save.

7.6 Creating and applying a gradient swatch

1. Make sure no objects are selected.
2. Choose New Gradient Swatch from the Swatches panel menu.
3. For Swatch Name, type Brown/Tan Gradient. Leave the Type set to Linear.
4. Click the left stop marker. For Stop Color, select Swatches, and then select Brown.
5. Click the right stop marker. For Stop Color, select Swatches, and then select Tan.
6. Click OK.
7. Zoom in the three diamond shapes.
8. Select the center diamond.
9. Select the Fill box in the Tools panel, and then click Brown/Tan Gradient in the Swatches panel.
10. Choose File > Save.

7.5 Creating dashed strokes

1. Deselect any selected objects.
2. Using the Selection tool, click two times on the black border outline to select it.
3. Choose Window > Stroke.
4. Select Dashed from the bottom of the Type menu.
5. Choose Brown from the Gap Color menu to fill the gaps with brown.
6. Type the following values in the Dash and Gap boxes: 12, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4.
7. Deselect the line and close the Stroke panel.
8. Then choose File > Save.

7.4 Applying colors to objects

1. Select the three diamond shapes in the upper right of the page with the Selection tool.
2. Choose Object > Ungroup. Then choose Object > Lock Position.
3. Click a blank area on the document window to deselect all objects.
4. Zoom in the diamond shapes by pressing Ctrl+=.
5. Select the center diamond. Select the Stroke box in the Swatches panel, and then select the Green swatch.
6. Deselect the object.
7. Select the diamond on the left. Select Brown in the Swatches panel to apply a brown stroke.
8. With the diamond on the left still selected, select the Fill box in the Swatches panel, and then select the Green swatch.
9. Select the Eyedropper tool, and click the diamond on the left. Notice that the eyedropper is now filled, indicating that it picked up the attributes from that object.
10. With the loaded eyedropper, click the gray background of the diamond on the right. That diamond now has the fill and stroke attributes of the diamond on the left.
11. Choose Edit > Deselect All.
12. Using the Selection tool, click the diamond in the center. Select the Fill box in the Tools panel, and then click [Paper] in the Swatches panel.
It makes the fill of the diamond white.
13. Choose Edit > Deselect All, and then choose View > Fit Page In Window.
14. Using the Selection tool to select the six small diamonds on the bottom of the ad as well as the line behind them.
15. In the Swatches panel, select the Stroke box and click the Brown swatch.

2009年12月27日 星期日

7.3 Adding colors to the Swatches panel

1. Open the Swatches panel.
2. Choose New Color Swatch from the Swatches panel menu.
3. Deselect Name With Color Value, and for Swatch Name, type Brown. Make sure that Color Type and Color Mode are set to Process and CMYK, respectively.
4. For the color percentages, type the following values:
Cyan=0, Magenta=76, Yellow=76, Black=60.
5. Click Add to include this new color in the Swatches panel.
6. Repeat the previous three steps to name and create the following colors:
Blue: Cyan=60, Magenta=20, Yellow=0, Black=0

Tan: Cyan=5, Magenta=13, Yellow=29, Black=0
7. When finished, click OK in the New Color Swatch dialog box.
8. Choose File > Save.

7.2 Defining printing requirements

1. Choose Window > Output > Prefight.
2. Choose Define Profiles from the Prefight panel menu.
3. In the Prefight Profiles dialog box, click the Prefight Profile Menu button below the list of prefight profiles at left. Choose Load Prefile.
4. Select the Magazine Profile.idpp in the Lesson_07 folder and click open.
5. With the Magazine Profile selected, look through the settings specified for the output of this ad.
6. Click OK to close the Prefight Profiles dialog box.
7. Choose Magazine Profile from the Profile menu on the Prefight panel. Notice that the profile detects one issue with an imported illustrator file.
There are 7 errors.
8. Choose File > Save.

7.1 Getting started

1. To ensure that the preferences and default settings of your InDesign program match those used in this lesson, move the InDesign Defaults file to a different folder.
2. Start InDesign CS4.
3. Choose File > Open, and open the 07_Start.indd file in the Lesson_07 folder.
4. Choose File > Save As, rename the file 07_Color.indd, and save it in the Lesson_07 folder.
5. Choose Window > Workspace > Advanced to make sure all the commands you need are available. Then choose Window > Workspace > Reset Advanced.
6. Open the 07_End.indd file to see what the finished document looks like.

2009年12月26日 星期六

6.18 Adding a rule above a paragraph

1. Scroll to view the third column on the right-facing page containing the italicized author bio.
2. Using the Type tool, click to place an insertion point in the author bio.
3. Choose Paragraph Rules from the Paragraph panel menu.
4. Choose Rule Above from the menu, and select Rule On to activate the rule.
5. Select the Preview option.
6. In the Paragraph Rules dialog box, set these options:
     From the Weight menu, choose 1pt.
     From the Color menu, choose Pantone 584 PC.
     From the Width menu, choose Column.
     In the Offset box, type 0p9.
7. Click OK to apply the changes.
8. To view your results:
     Choose View > Fit In Window. (Fit Page In Window?? But it still needs zooming in.)
     Choose Preview from the Screen Mode menu.
9. Choose File > Save.

6.17 Creating a hanging indent

1. Using the Type tool, select all the text in the "If You Go" box.
2. Make sure that the Tabs panel is still aligned directly above the text frame.
3. In the Tabs panel, drag the bottom indent marker on the left side of the ruler to the right until the X value is 5p5.
4. In the Paragraph panel, type -5p5 in the First Line Left Indent box. Deselect the text, and view the hanging indent.
5. Close the Tabs panel.
6. Using the Type tool, double-click the word "through" in the "Hours" section.
7. Choose Type > Insert Special Character > Hyphens And Dashes > En Dash.
8. Choose File > Save.

6.16 Aligning text to tabs and adding tab leaders

1. Scroll and zoom as necessary to view the "If You Go" box.
2. Choose Type > Show Hidden Characters, and make sure that Normal Mode is selected in the Tools panel.
3. Using the Type tool, click in the "If You Go" box and choose Edit > Select All.
4. Choose Type > Tabs to open the Tabs panel.
5. In the Tabs panel, click Left-Justified Tab so that text aligns to the left of the tab stop.
6. Type 5p5 in the X box and press Enter.
7. With the text still selected and the Tabs panel still open, click the new tab stop to select it. Type a period and a space in the Leader box. Using a space between periods creates a more open dot sequence in the tab leader.
8. Press Enter to apply the tab leader.
9. Choose File > Save.

2009年12月24日 星期四

6.15 Applying the adobe paragraph and Single-line composers

1. Using the Type tool, click to place an insertion point anywhere in the main story.
2. Choose Edit > Select All.
3. In the Paragraph panel, choose Adobe Single-line Composer from the panel menu.
4. Click a blank area of the page to deselect the text and look at the different spacing and line endings.
5. To restore the story to the Adobe Paragraph Composer, choose Edit > Undo.
6. Choose File > Save.

6.14 Adjusting the kerning and tracking

1. Select the Zoom tool in the Tools panel and drag a marquee around the drop caps;
2. Select the Type tool and click to place an insertion point between the "u" and the "r" in "Sure."
3. Press Alt+Right Arrow to increase the amount that the letter "r" moves to the right.
The whole column moves slightly to the right???
4. Choose Edit > Deselect All.
5. Using the Type tool, click three times on "If You Go" to select the entire heading.
6. In the Character panel, type 40 in the Tracking box. Press Enter.
7. Click on the pasteboard to deselect the text.
8. Choose View > Fit Spread In Window to see the overall effect of your latest changes.
9. Choose File > Save.

2009年12月22日 星期二

6.13 Adjusting the drop cap alignment

1. Using the Type tool, click to place an insertion point anywhere in the first paragraph with the drop cap.
2. In the Paragraph panel (Type > Paragraph), choose Drop Caps And Nested Styles from the panel menu.
3. Select Align Left to move the drop cap so that it aligns better to the left edge. Click OK.
4. Choose File > Save.

6.12 Applying a stroke to text

1. With the Type tool still selected, select the drop cap characters.
2. In the Swatches panel, select the Stroke box and then click Black. A strike appears around each of the letters.
3. Choose Window > Stroke.
4. In the Stroke panel, type 1.5 pt in the Weight box, and press Enter.
5. Press Shift+Ctrl+A to deselect the text so that you can view the stroke effect.
6. Close the Stroke panel. Then choose Type > Glyphs.
7. Using the Type tool, select the "S" in "Sure."
8. In the Glyphs panel, choose Alternates for Selection from the Show menu.
9. Double-click the fancy "S" to replace the italic "S."
10. Close the Glyphs panel.
11. Choose File > Save.

6.11 Creating a drop cap

1. Scroll to view the first paragraph in the left-facing page. Using the Type tool, click to place an insertion point anywhere in that paragraph.
2. In the Paragraph Fromatting controls in the Control panel, type 3 in the Drop Cap Number Of Lines box to make the letters drop down three lines.
3. Type 5 in the Drop Cap One Or More Characters box to enlarge the first five characters. Press Enter.
4. Using the Type tool, select the five drop-cap characters.
5. Choose Type > Character Styles to open the Character Styles panel.
6. Click the Drop Cap style to apply it to the selected text.
7. Choose File > Save.

6.10 Hanging punctuation outside the margin

1. Scroll and zoom as necessary to view the pull quote on the right-facing page.
2. Using the tool, click in the pull quote.
3. Choose Type > Story to open the Story panel.
4. Select Optical Margin Alignment, and then close the Story panel.
5. Choose File > Save.

6.9 Chaning paragraph alignment

I did something wrong and need to start from the beginning of lesson 6.
1. Open the 06_Start.indd file. Choose File > Save As, rename the file 06_Working_1.indd, and save it in the Lesson_06 folder.
2. To view the top margin value for the page, choose Layout > Margins And Columns. The top margin is set to 6p0. Click Cancel. To view the leading value, select the Type tool in the Tools panel and click to place an insertion point in a body-text paragraph. Check the Leading value in the Character panel. The leading is set to 14 pt. Choose Edit > Preferences > Grids to set the baseline grid options. In the Baseline Grid section, type 6 in the Start box to match your top margin setting of 6p0. In the Increment Every box, type 14 pt to match your leading. Choose 100% from the View Threshold menu. Click OK. Choose File > Save.

3. To view the baseline grid in the document window, choose View > Grids & Guides > Show Baseline Grid. Using the Type tool, click to place an insertion point anywhere in the first paragraph on the spread, and then choose Edit > Select All to select all of the text in the main story. Choose Type > Paragraph. In the Paragraph panel, click Align To Baseline Grid. Click the pasteboard to deselect the text. Choose File > Save.
4. Using the Type tool, click anywhere in the subhead "The Restaurant" on the left-facing page. In the Paragraph panel, type 6 pt (not 6p0) in the Space Before box, and press Enter. Open the Paragraph Styles panel. With the insertion point still in "The Restaurant" subhead, notice that a plus sign appears after the Subhead style name in the panel. Choose Redefine Style from the Paragraph Styles panel menu. (The baseline of the subtitle still doesn't align with the grid line until Align To Baseline Grid in the Paragraph panel is clicked.) The Subhead style takes on the formatting -- specifically, the new space above -- of the selected paragraph. Choose View > Grids & Guides > Hide Baseline Grid. Choose File > Save.
5. Zoom in on the pull quote on the right-facing page. Choose Type > Character. Using the Type tool, click inside the pull quote on the right-facing page; then click four times to select the entire paragraph. (Or using the Selection tool, click four times inside the pull quote to select the entire paragraph.) In the Character panel, set the following options:Font: Adobe Caslon Pro. Style: Bold Italic. Size: 14pt. Leading: 30pt 
6. Using the Type tool, select the first "M" in the pull quote. Choose Type > Glyphs. This time in the Glyphs panel, Double-click the more script-like "M" in the Recently Used boxes to replace the original character in the pull quote. Repeat this process to replace the "F" in "Foster", lower in the pull quote, with a fancier letter F. Choose File > Save.
7. If necessary, scroll or zoom to see the last body paragraph of the story, ending with words "bananas Foster for you." Using the Type tool, click to place an insertion point in the last paragraph, just after the final period. Choose Type > Glyphs. Double-click the ornament in the Recently Used boxes and it appears at the insertion point in the document.Using the Type tool, click to place an insertion point between the final period and the ornament.Right-click to display the context menu, and choose Insert Special Character > Other > Right Indent Tab. Choose File > Save.
8. Zoom in on the recipes at the bottom of the right-facing page. Select the first instance of "1/2" ("1/2 lemon" in the Caesar Salad recipe). Choose Type > Glyphs. Double-click the  ½, ¼ , and ¾ fraction in the Recently Used boxes to replace the selected 1/2, 1/4, 3/4  in the text. If you wish, copy and paste the remaining instances. Close the Glyphs panel. Choose File > Save.
9. Scroll and zoom as necessary to view the author's bio under the last paragraph of the story.
10. Using the Type tool, click to place an insertion point in the bio.
11. In the Paragraph panel, click Align Right.
12.With the insertion point still in the bio paragraph, in the Paragraph panel, click Do Not Align To Baseline Grid. If the text no longer fits, use the Selection tool to make the text frame slightly longer.
13. Choose Edit > Deselect All to deselect the text frame.
14. Choose File > Save.

2009年12月21日 星期一

6.8 Inserting fraction characters

1. Zoom in on the recipes at the bottom of the right-facing page.
2. Select the first instance of "1/2" ("1/2 lemon" in the Caesar Salad recipe).
3. Choose Type > Glyphs.
4. Locate the ½ fraction.
5. Double-click the  ½ fraction to replace the selected “1/2” in the text.
6. In the Caesar Salad recipe, locate and select “1/4”.
7. In the glyphs panel, locate and double-click the “1/4” fraction.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7, locating and selecting “3/4”, and in the Glyphs panel, replacing it with the “3/4” fraction.
9. If you wish, replace the remaining instances of “1/2” and “1/4” in the recipes by electing the text and  double-clicking the respective glyphs in the Recently Used boxes.
10. Close the Glyphs panel.
11. Choose File > Save.

6.7 Adding a special character

1. If necessary, scroll or zoom to see the last body paragraph of the story, ending with words "bananas Foster for you."
The paragraph is not found. I doubt that InDesign CS3 graph is still used here.
2. Using the Type tool, click to place an insertion point in the last paragraph, just after the final period.
There is a small plus sign at the down right side. Click it and paste it on the blank space. There we can see what we want and work on it.
3. Choose Type > Glyphs.
4. At the bottom of the panel, choose Adobe Caslon Pro from the Font menu.
5. In the Glyphs panel, choose Ornaments from the Show menu.
6. From the scrollable list, select any decorative character you prefer and double-click to insert it. The character appears at the insertion point in the document.
7. Using the Type tool, click to place an insertion point between the final period and the decorative character.
8. Right-click to display the context menu, and choose Insert Special Character > Other > Right Indent Tab.
9. Choose File > Save.

2009年12月20日 星期日

6.6 Replacing a character with an alternate glyph

1. Using the Type tool, select the first "M" in the pull quote.
We can't select the first "M" until the pull quote is selected with the selection tool.
2. Choose Type > Glyphs.
3. In the Glyphs panel, choose Alternates For Selection from the Show menu to see the alternates for the letter M.
4. Double-click the more script-like "M" to replace the original character in the pull quote.
5. Repeat this process to replace the "F" in "Foster", lower in the pull quote, with a fancier letter F.
6. Choose File > Save.

6.5 Changing fonts and type style

1. Zoom in on the pull quote on the right-facing page.
2. Choose Type > Character.
3. Using the Type tool, click inside the pull quote on the right-facing page; then click four times to select the entire paragraph.
4. In the Character panel, set the following options:
Font: Adobe Caslon Pro
Style: Bold Italic
Size: 14pt
Leading: 30pt

6.4 Changing the spacing between paragraphs

1. Using the Type tool, click anywhere in the subhead "The Restaurant" on the left-facing page.
2. In the Paragraph panel, type 6 pt in the Space Before box, and press Enter.
3. Open the Paragraph Styles panel.
4. With the insertion point still in "The Restaurant" subhead, notice that a plus sign appears after the Subhead style name in the panel.
5. Choose Redefine Style from the Paragraph Styles panel menu. The Subhead style takes on the formatting -- specifically, the new space above -- of the selected paragraph.
the new space above ???
6. Choose View > Grids & Guides > Hide Baseline Grid.
7. Choose File > Save.

6.3 Viewing the baseline grid

1. To view the baseline grid in the document window, choose View > Grids & Guides > Show Baseline Grid.
2. Using the Type tool, click to place an insertion point anywhere in the first paragraph on the spread, and then choose Edit > Select All to select all of the text in the main story.
3. Choose Type > Paragraph.
4. In the Paragraph panel, click Align To Baseline Grid.
5. Click the pasteboard to deselect the text. Choose File > Save.

6.2 Using the baseline grid to align text

1. To view the top margin value for the page, choose Layout > Margins And Columns. The top margin is set to 6p0. Click Cancel.
2. To view the leading value, select the Type tool in the Tools panel and click to place an insertion point in a body-text paragraph. Check the Leading value in the Character panel. The leading is set to 14 pt.
3. Choose Edit > Preferences > Grids to set the baseline grid options.
4. In the Baseline Grid section, type 6 in the Start box to match your top margin setting of 6p0.
5. In the Increment Every box, type 14 pt to match your leading.
6. Choose 100% from the View Threshold menu.
7. Click OK.
8. Choose File > Save.

6.1 Getting started

1. Move the InDesign Defaults file to a different folder.
2. Start Adobe InDesign CS4.
3. Open the 06_Start.indd file.
4. Choose File > Save As, rename the file 06_Working.indd, and save it in the Lesson_06 folder.
5. Open the 06_End.indd file and see what the finished document looks like.
6. Choose Type > Character and Type > Paragraph to open the two primary textformatting panels.

2009年12月19日 星期六

5.25 Using the Story editor

1. With page 11 of the catalog in the document window, select the Type tool and click inside the first column to place an insertion point.
2. Choose Edit > Edit In Story Editor.
3. If necessary, drag the vertical scroll bar to view all the text in the selected story.
4. Type the word accessories in the first paragraph after teapots, and before and.
5. Choose Edit > Preferences > Story Editor Display to display Story Editor Display preferences.
6. Change the font to 14 points and the line spacing to Doublespace to see if it makes editing easier for you. Click OK.
7. Close the Story Editor.
8. Choose File > Save.
9. When you're finished looking at your work, choose File > Close.

5.24 Editing text by dragging and dropping

1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Type to display Type preferences.
2. In the Drag And Drop Text Editing section, select Enable In Layout View.
3. In the document window, navigate to page 11.
4. Using the Type tool, drag to select the sentence "Tea is more than just a great beverage."
5. Hover the I-bar pointer over the highlighted words until it changes to the drag and drop icon.
6. Drag the words to their correct location at the end of the paragraph after the word "well."

5.23 Automatically correcting misspelled words

1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Autocorrect to display Autocorrect preferences.
2. Make sure that the Enable Autocorrect option is selected. You can also select Autocorrect Capitalization Errors.
3. Change the language to French and note the commonly misspelled words in that language.
4. Try other languages, if you'd like. Change the language back to English before proceeding.
5. Click Add. In the Add To Autocorrect List dialog box, type the word snew in the Misspelled Word box, and snow in the Correction box.
6. Click OK to add the word, and then click OK again in the Preferences dialog box.
7. Type the word snew and press the spacebar to make a space.
8. Choose File > Save.

5.22 Checking spelling dynamically

1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Spelling to display Spelling preferences.
2. In the Find section, select the possible errors you want highlighted.
3. Make sure that Enable Dynamic Spelling is selected.
4. In the Underline Color section, use the menus to customize how possible errors are highlighted.
5. Click OK.
6. Try typing the word snew somewhere in the text to see this feature in action. Delete the word before continuing.
7. Choose File > Save.

5.21 Adding words to a document-specific dictionary

1. Choose Edit > Spelling > Dictionary to display the Dictionary dialog box.
2. Select the word "rooibos" that appears in the text box.
3. Click Remove to remove the word from the external user dictionary.
4. From the Target menu, choose the file 05_Catalog. indd.
05_Catalog.indd is not found in the list of the menu.
5. Type the word rooibos in the Word box, and click Add.
6. Click Done.
7. Choose File > Save.

2009年12月17日 星期四

5.20 Adding words to a dictionary

1. Click the Type tool anywhere in the text.
2. Choose Edit > Spelling > Check Spelling.
3. From the Search menu, choose Document to check the spelling in the entire catalog document.
4. Click Start to find the 1st misspelled word in the document. The word "rooibos" appears in the Not In Dictionary box.
"Rooibos" is not the first word to appear.
5. Click Add to add this word to the external user dictionary file, ENG.UDC.
How is the external dictionary connected with my InDesign? Where is ENG.UDC. stored?
6. Click Done.
7. Choose File > Save.



5.19 Checking spelling

1. Using the Pages panel, navigate to page 1. Select the Type tool and click to place an insertion point before the word "Welcome" in the first paragraph.
2. Choose Edit > Spelling > Check Spelling.
3. In the Check Spelling dialog box, choose Document from the Search menu to check the spelling in the entire catalog document.
4. Click Start to find the first misspelled word in the document. The word "oolong" appears in the Not In Dictionary box.
5. Scan the choices offered in the Suggested Corrections list. If you wanted to replace the word, you could select an alternate spelling from this list or simply type the corrected spelling into the Change To box. You can then choose whether to change just this instance of the word (by clicking Change), or all instances of the word (by clicking Change All).
6. Because "oolong" is the correct name for a type of tea, click Ignore All to ignore this assumed misspelling. Ignore All skips all instances of the word, and "oolong" won't come up again as misspelled. Clicking Skip would skip only the first instance of the word.
7. Click Done.
8. Choose File > Save.

2009年12月16日 星期三

5.18 Finding and changing text and formatting

1. If necessary, make sure that you can easily read the text and see the formatting on the page by zooming in. Click in the pasteboard to make sure nothing is selected.
2. Choose Edit > Find/Change. Click the Text tab at the top of the Find/Change dialog box to display the text search options.
3.Type Expedition Tea Company in the Find What box.
4. Press Tab to navigate to the Change To box.
5. Type Expedition Tea Company again, but add the trademark symbol by choosing Symbols > Trademark Symbol from the Metacharacters menu to the right of the Change To box.
6. In the Search menu, select Document. In the row of icons below the Search menu, select the Include Master Pages icon, because the company name also appears on these pages.
7. Click More Options to display additional formatting options. If you see Fewer Options, it has already been selected.
8. Leave the area in the Find Format section unchanged, but select the Specify Arrributes To Change icon to the right of the Change Format section.
9. On the left side of the Change Format Settings dialog box, select Basic Character Formats. Then, in the main part of the dialog box, choose Small Caps from the Case menu.
10. Leave the other options blank. Click OK to return to the Find/Change dialog box.
11. Click Change All. A message appears, telling you how many instances were found and changed.
12. Click OK to close the message, and then click Done to close the Find/Change dialog box.
13. In the Pages panel, double-click page 1 to view the results.
14. Choose File > Save.

517 Adding pages while flowing text

1. Choose File > New > Document.
2. In the New Document dialog box, select Master Text Frame. Click OK.
3. Choose Edit > Preferences > Type to open the Type preferences.
4. Make sure that Smart Text Reflow is selected. It is on by default. Click OK.
5. Choose File > Place. In the Place dialog box, locate and select 05_CatalogCopy.doc in the Lesson_05 folder, and click Open.
6. On the 1st page of the new document, hold down Ctrl+Shift and click to select the master text frame.
7. Click the loaded text icon to flow all the text into the master text frame, adding pages as necessary.
8. Choose File > Close. When the alert displays, click Don't Save.

5.16 Flowing text into an existing frame

1. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 12 icon to center the page in the document window.
2. Choose File > Place. In the Place dialog box, deselect both Show Import Options and Replace Selected Item if necessary. Locate and double-click 05_CompanyAddress.doc in the Lesson_05 folder.
3. Position the loaded text icon over the placeholder text frame below the logo, and click.
4. Choose File > Save.

5.15 Changing the number of columns in a frame

1. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 11 icon to center the page in the document window.
2. Using the Selection tool, select the text frame on page 11.
3. Choose Object > Text Frame Options, and type 2 in the Number box in the Column section of the Text Frame Options dialog box. Click OK.
4. Choose File > Save.

5.14 Using simi-autoflow to place text frames

1. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 5 icon to center the page in the document window. Click a blank part of the page to deselect all items.
2. Choose File > Place. In the Place dialog box, deselect Replace Selected Item. Locate and double-click 05_Greentea.doc in the Lesson_05 folder. If the Import Options dialog box displays, click OK.
3. Hold down the Alt key, and position the loaded text icon in the 1st column at the horizontal 6p7 guide, and click.
4. Release the Alt key, and position the loaded text icon in the 2nd column on page 5 at the 6p7 guide, and click.
5. Choose File > Save.
Each paragraph of the loaded text has a pink background. In the Paragraph Style menu, I choose body instead Body. The pink color then is erased and the background changes to white.


5.13 Changing horizontal and vertical text alignment

1. In the control panel, select Paragraph Formatting Controls, and click the Align Right button.
2. Choose Object > Text Frame Options.
3. Choose Bottom from the Align menu in the Vertical Justification section of the Text Frame Options dialog box. Click OK.
4. With the Selection tool (V), click the text frame containing the jump line text, and then Shift-click to select the text frame immediately above it.
5. Choose Object > Group. This keeps the story and its jump line together if you move them.
6. Choose File > Save.

5.12 Formatting paragraph text

1. Press T, and then triple-click "(Black tea continued on page 4)" to select the text.
2. In the Paragraph Styles panel, click Body Copy to apply the style to the selected text.
3. With Character Formatting Controls selected in the Control panel, choose Italic from the Type Style menu.

5.11 Adding a jump line page number

1. Center page 3 in the document window.

2. Select the Type tool (T). Working on the pasteboard, drag to create a text frame that is 17p6 by 1p10.
3. Using the Selection tool (V), drag the new text frame to the bottom of the 2nd column on page 3.
4. Type (Black tea continued on page ), including the space and the parentheses. Then use the Left Arrow key to move the insertion point to the left of the closing parenthesis.
5. Right-click the text frame, and choose Insert Special Character > Markers > Next Page Number from the context menu. The jump line now reads "(Black tea continued on page 4)."
6. Choose File > Save.


5.10 Adding a column break

1. Center the page 3 in the document window.
2. Using the Type tool (T), click to place an insertion point in front of the words "Keemun Panda" near the bottom of the 1st column.
3. Choose Type > Insert Break Character > Column Break. The text after the column break moves into the 2nd column.
4. Choose File > Save.

5.9 Resizing text frame

1. In the Pages panel, double-click page 2 icon to center the page in the document window.
2. Using the Selection tool (T), click the text frame in the 2nd column on page 2, and drag the lower-middle handle of the text frame above the teapot image. The new frame height should be 29p.
3. Choose > Save.
Ctrl+Type tool can also be used to resize a text frame.

2009年12月15日 星期二

5.8 Flowing text automatically

1. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 2 icon to center the page in the document window.
2. Choose File > Place. In the Place dialog box, make sure that Show Import Options is deselected. Locate and select 05_Blacktea.doc in the Lesson_05 folder, and click Open.
3. Hold down the Shift key, and position the loaded text icon in the 1st column on page 2 at the guide below the Black Tea category heading, and click.
The text wraps automatically around the graphic frames because they already have a text wrap applied through the Text Wrap panel. How to apply a text wrap around the graphic frames through the Text Wrap?

5.7 Working with styles

1. Open the Paragraph Styles panel.
2. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 1 icon to center the page in the document window.
3. Using the Type tool (T), click to place an insertion point in the 1st paragraph beginning with "Take an extraordinary."
4. Select Body Copy in the Paragraph Styles panel.
5. Repeat step 3 and 4, but this time, place an insertion point in each body paragraph following the 4 headlines.
Except the paragraph beginning with "Expedition Tea Company."
6. Choose File > Save.

5.6 Flowing text manually

1. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 1 icon to center that page in the document window.
2. Drag a guide down from the horizontal ruler to 7p3 position.
3. Choose File > Place. In the Place dialog box, make sure that Show Import Options is selected.
4. Locate and select 05_Intro.doc in the Lesson_05 folder, and click Open.
5. In the Microsoft Word Import Options dialog box, make sure that Preserve Styles And Formatting From Text And Tables is selected. Click OK.
6. Position the loaded text icon in the upper-left corner of the middle column.
7. Drag to create a text frame across the width of the middle and far-right columns and down to the guide at 7p3.
8. Using the Selection tool, click the out port of the frame you just created.
9. Position the loaded text icon in the middle column directly below the text frame you just created, and click.
10. Using the Selection tool, click the out port of the frame you just created and then click directly under the image of the wooden tea box to flow the rest of the text into the far-right column.

5.5 Vertically aligning text

1. With the insertion point anywhere in the text frame you just created, choose Object > Text Frame Options.
2. In the Vertical Justification section of the Text Frame Options dialog box, choose Center from the Align menu, and click OK.
3. Choose File > Save.

5.4 Creating and entering text

1. View page 1.
2. Drag down from the horizontal ruler to create a guide at the 39p0 location.
3. Using the Type tool, position the l-bar pointer next to the left margin where it intersects with the 39p0 guide.
4. Drag to create a text frame in the blank area below the guide down to the bottom of the gold box. The text frame spans the 1st column, and the top of the frame snaps to the 39p0 guide.
5. In the text frame, type 2008 Premium Tea Catalog.
6. With the insertion point anywhere in the text, select Catalog Title in the Paragraph Styles panel.
7. Choose File > Save.

2009年12月14日 星期一

5.3 Finding and changing a missing font

1. Click the 05_Working.indd tab in the upper_left corner of the window to display the catalog in progress.
2. In the Pages panel, double_click the page 2 icon. The pink highlighted text in the headline on that page indicates that the text is formatted with a missing font.
3. Choose Type > Find Font. The Find Font dialog box lists the fonts used in the document and type of font, such as PostScript, TrueType, or OpenType. An alert icon appears next to any missing fonts.
4. Select CaslonAntT in the Fonts In Document list.
5. For the Replace Width option, choose Adobe Garamond Pro from the Font Family menu. Although the font's name is Adobe Garamond Pro, you will find it alphabetized under "G" rather than "A."
6. Choose Regular from the Font Style menu.
7. Click Change All. Click Done to close the dialog box and see the replaced font in the document.
8. Choose File > Save.

5.2 Managing fonts

1. Choose File > Open, and open the 05_Start.indd file in the Lesson_05 folder.
2. Click OK to close the alert message.
3. Using the Pages panel, navigate through the pages in the document.
4. Choose File > Save As, rename the file 05_Working.indd, and save it in the Lesson_05 folder.
5. To see what the finished document looks like, open the 05_End.indd file in the same folder.
6. When you're ready to resume working on the lesson document, display it by clicking its tab in the upper-left corner of the document window.

5.1 Getting started

1. Quit Adobe InDesign CS4 > Locate the InDesign Defaults file > Drag the file to another folder
2. Start Adobe InDesign CS4. To ensure that the panels and menu commands match those used in this lesson, choose Window > Workspace > [Advanced], and then choose Window > Workspace > Reset Advanced.

4.23 Finishing up

1. Choose Edit > Deselect All.
2. Choose View > Fit Spread In Window.
3. At the bottom of the Tools panel, hold down the current mode button and choose Preview from the hidden menu that appears.
4. Press the Tab key to close all the panels at the same time. Press the Tab key again when you are ready to show all the panels.
5. Choose File > Save.

4.22 Selecting and modifying grouped objects

1. With the Selection tool, click the evolve group at the top of page 2.
2. Click the Select Content button in the Control panel to select one object in the group without ungrouping.
3. Click the Select Previous Object button in the Control panel 6 times to select the first "e" in the word "evolve."
4. Using the Direct Selection tool, hold down the Shift key and click the "v," "l,""v," and "e" letters in the logo to simultaneously select them.
5. Click the Fill box in the Swatches panel and choose [Paper] to fill the letter shapes with a white color.

4.21 Scaling grouped objects

1. Using the Selection tool, Shift-click each of the two Acrobat PDF icons on the left side of page 2.
2. Choose Object > Group to group them together. Hold down Shift+Ctrl , and with the Selection tool, drag from the upper-right corner of the group down and to the left to make the group of images roughly the same width as the orange icon below the group.
3. Deselect All and choose File > Save.

4.20 Aligning multiple objects

1. Choose View > Fit Page In Window, and then choose page 2 in the page box at the bottom of the document window. Using the Selection tool, Shift-click the text frame at the top of the page containing the "Partial Class Calendar" text and the evolve logo above it.
2. Choose Window > Object & Layout > Align.
3. In the Align panel, choose Align To Page from the Alignment Location Options menu, and then click the Align Horizontal Centers button. The objects are now aligned to the center of the page.
4. Click a blank area to deselect all.
5. Choose the Selection tool, and then Shift-click the 8 icons on the left side of the page.
6. In the Align panel, choose Align To Selection from the Alignment Location Options menu, then click the Align Horizontal Centers button.
7. Deselect all and then choose File > Save.

4.19 Rotating an image within its frame

1. Choose View > Fit Page In Window, and then select page 4 in the page box at the bottom of the document window.
2. Press the A key to switch to the Direct Selection tool, position the pointer over the image above the JefG. text, and then click.
3. In the Control panel, make sure that the center point in the reference point locator is selected.
4. Press the R key to select the Rotate tool. Position the crosshair over one of the corner handles.
5. Hold down the mouse button until the crosshair becomes a solid arrow, to get a preview of the contents as you rotate; then drag the handle clockwise to rotate the image until you like the result.

4.18 Transforming and aligning objects

1. Using the Selection tool (V), select the blue image of the world at the bottom of page 3.
2. In the Control panel, make sure that the center point is selected on the reference point locator so that the object rotates around its center. Choose 90 degree from the Rotation Angle menu.

4.17 Using the Position tool

1. Using the Selection tool, click in the middle of the Stop sign image to select it.
2. Drag the upper-left corner of the selected frame so that the top and left frame edges coincide with the edges of the Stop sign. Similarly, drag the lower-right corner of the frame so that the bottom and right frame edges coincide with the Stop sign.
3. Select the Position Tool (Shift + A).
4. Click the Stop sign image on page 3.
5. Position the pointer over the edge of the red Stop sign image. Click the frame and drag it to the right so that it is closer to the edge of the green box.

2009年12月13日 星期日

4.16 Converting shapes

1. In the Tools panel, hold down the mouse button on the Rectangle tool until you see hidden tools. Select the Polygon tool.
2. Click anywhere on page 3 to the left of the text "wasting time." In the Polygon dialog box, change the Polygon Width and Polygon Height to 9p0. Change the Number Of Sides to 5. and click OK.
3. With the shape on the page selected, choose File > Place, and select StopSign.tif in the Links folder in the Lesson_04 folder. Click Open.
4. Choose Object > Fitting > Center Content to center the picture in the frame.
5. Make sure that the polygon you created is still selected, and then double-click the Polygon tool in Tools panel to open the Polygon Settings dialog box. Type 8 in the Number Of Sides box and click OK.
6. Using the Selection tool, select the blue world graphic on page 3. Choose Object > Convert Shape > Rounded Rectangle. Click a  blank area to deselect all.
7. Choose File > Save.

4.15 Working with compound shapes

1. Choose View > Fit Page In Window to fit page 3 in the window.
2. Using the Rectangle Frame tool, draw a frame from where the right edge of the 1st column meets the horizontal guide at 46p6 on the vertical ruler, to the lower-right corner of the page where the red bleed guides intersect.
3. With the Selection tool selected, hold down the Shift key and click the green box that covers a full part of page 3 to simultaneously select the new rectangle and the green box.
4. Choose Object > Pathfinder > Subtract to subtract the top shape from the green shape. The text frame at the bottom of the page is now on a white background.
5. With the green box still selected, choose Object > Lock Position. This helps avoid accidental repositioning of the frame.

4.14 Wrapping text around a graphic

1. Using the Selection tool, select the graphics frame with the image of a Yield sign.
2. Hold down the Shift key and move the frame to the left so that the center point of the graphic is aligned with the middle of the gutter between the two columns of text.
3. Choose Window > Text Wrap. In the Text Wrap panel, select Wrap Around Bounding Box to wrap the text around the bounding box,
4. Select Wrap Around Object Shape so that the text wraps around the contour of the graphic shape instead of the bounding box. In the Wrap Options section, choose Both Right & Left Sides from the Wrap To menu and Detect Edges from the Type menu. Click a blank area to deselect all.
5. Close the Text Wrap panel, and choose File > Save.

4.13 Changing the shape of a frame

1. Choose 3 from the page box at the bottom of the document window. Choose View > Fit Page In Window.
2. Click the Layers panel tab. In the Layers panel, click the lock icon for the Text layer to unlock it.
3. Press the A to switch to the Direct Selection tool. Move the tip of the pointer over the right edge of the green frame that covers the page, and click when the pointer appears with a small diagonal line.
4. Press the P key to switch to the Pen tool.
5. Carefully position the pointer over the top edge of the frame path where it intersects with the vertical guide in the 1st column on page 3. When you see the Add Anchor Point tool, click. A new anchor point is added.
6. Move the pointer to where the horizontal guide below the text intersects with the bleed guide. Using the Pen tool, click again to add another new anchor point, then choose Edit > Deselect All.
7. Press the A to switch to the Direct Selection tool. Click to select the upper-right corner point of the green frame. Drag the point down and to the left. When the anchor point snaps into place at the intersection (68p0 x 40p9)of the 1st column and the 1st horizontal guide from the top of the page, release the mouse button.
8. Choose File > Save.

4.12 Replacing the contents of graphics frames

1. Using the Selection tool, click the JefG image to select it. Choose File > Place and then double-click AmyO.tif to place the new image directly into the selected frame, replacing the Jef image.
2. With the frame still selected, choose Object > Fitting > Fill Frame Proportionally.
3. Choose Object > Fitting > Center Content to center the AmyO image in the frame.
4. Choose Edit > Deselect All.
5. Choose File > Place, and select John Q.tif in the Links folder in the Lesson_04 folder. Click Open. The pointer changes to a loaded graphics icon.
6. Hover over the blue frame and the loaded graphics icon is surrounded by parentheses, indicating that if you click, the image will be placed in that frame.
7. With the JohnQ graphics still selected, choose Object > Fitting > Fill Frame Proportionally. To center the content, choose Object > Fitting > Center Content.
8. Choose File > Save.

2009年12月12日 星期六

4.11 Resizing and moving an image within a frame

!. Press the A key to switch to the Direct Selection tool, and then position the pointer over the image of JefG until the pointer appears as a hand icon. Click to select the frame contents. The bounding box changes to another color (light blue rather than red), indicating that the frame is no longer selected but the contents are.
2. Select the handle in the lower-right corner of the graphic bounding box, and then hold down the Shift key and drag to make the image smaller. Continue dragging until the image dimensions are just a bit larger than the frame.
3. Position the Direct Selection tool over the JefG image so that you see the hand icon. Drag the image so that the right edge of the image aligns with the right edge of the frame.
4. Make sure that the image entirely fills the frame.
5. Choose File > Save.
You can also resize pictures by right-clicking and choosing Fitting > Fit Content Proportionally.

2009年12月10日 星期四

4.10 Resizing a graphics frame

1. Choose View > Fit Spread In Window.
2. Using the Selection tool, click the JefG graphic. Drag the right handle until the right side of the frame snaps into place against the spine.
3. Choose File > Save.

4.9 Placing graphics within an existing frame

1. With the grraphics frame still selected, choose File > Place and then double-click JefG.tif in the Links folder in the Lesson_04 folder.
2. Select the Selection tool. Hold down the Alt key, and drag the JefG graphic to the left until it snaps into the column directly to the left.

2009年12月9日 星期三

4.8 Drawing a new graphics frame

1. Click the Layers panel tab.
2. Unlock the Graphics layer. Lock the Text layer. Select the Graphics layer.
3. Display page 4 in the document window.
This step should be the 1st one.
4. Select the Rectangle Frame tool. In the far-right column on page 4, start dragging from where the left guide of the column meets the horizontal guide halfway down the page. Continue dragging to the right edge of the column just above the "Jef G." text.
5. Switch to the Selection tool and make sure that the graphics frame is still selected.

4.7 Vertically aligning text within a feame

1. Select the blue bar on the cover of the vewsletter.
2. Choose Object > Text Frame Options. In the Vertical Justification section of the Text Frame Options dialog box, choose Center from the align menu. Click OK.
3. Choose File > Save.
Step 4 is redundant. Or maybe it should be put before step 3 and combined with step 2.

4.6 Adjusting text inset within a frame

1. Select the blue text frame at the top of page 1 with the text "arrive smart, leave smarter."
2. Choose Object > Text Frame Options.
3. In the Text Frame Options dialog box, make sure that the Preview option is selected. Then in the  Inset Spacing section, click to deselect the Make All Settings The Same icon. Change the Left value to 3p0 to move the left margin of the text 3 picas to the right and away from the left edge of the frame.
The graphic is old and has not been updated.

4.5 Creating multiple columns

1. Use the Selection tool to select the text frame on the back page of the newsletter (page 4) that begins with "John Q.".
2. Double-click the text frame to select the Type tool. This places the insertion point within the frame where you double-click. Choose Object > Text Frame Options.
3. In the Text Frame Options dialog box, type 3 in the Number box and 0p11 in the Gutter box. Click OK.
4. Place the insertion point in front of the name "Amy O." and choose Type > Insert column. Repeat this step after placing the insertion point before "Jef G."
5. Choose Type > Show Hidden Characters.

4.4 Reshaping a text frame

1. Select the text frame in the rightmost column on the newsletter's cover.
2. Select the Direct Selection tool.
Selection tool and Direct Selection tool have different functions. What are they?
3. Select the anchor point in the lower-right corner of the text frame and drag it upward until it snaps to the horizontal guide at 48p0. (After you start dragging, you can hold down the Shift key to restrict any horizontal movement.)
It seems to make no difference whether I hold down the Shift key or not while  dragging.
4. Press the V key to switch to the Selection tool.
We don't have to switch to the Selection tool to deselect the objects.
5. Deselect all objects, and then choose File > Save.

4.3 Creating and resizing text frames

1. In the Layers panel, click the Text layer to select it.
2. Select the Type tool. Open the Pages panel. Double-click the page icon for the back page (page 4).
3. Position the pointer where the left edge of the 1st column meets the horizontal guide at approximately 34p on the vertical ruler. Drag to create a frame that snaps to the right edge of the 2nd column and has a height of about 8p.
4. In the new text frame, type Customer, press Shift+Enter to create a forced line break, and then type Testimonials. Click 4 times to select all the text in the frame.
5. Click the Paragraph Styles panel tab. Alt-click the style named Testimonials.
Just clicking Testimonials has the same effect, doesn't it?
6. Using the Selection tool, double-click the bottom center handle of the selected text frame to fit the frame to the text vertically.
7. On the page to the right, use the Selection tool to select the text frame below "The Buss" text. 8. Drag the center bottom handle downward to resize the height of the frame until the bottom edge snaps to the margin guide at the bottom of the page.
9. Choose File > Save.

2009年12月8日 星期二

4.2 Working with layers

1. Click the Layers panel tab.
2. Select the text layer. Notice that a pen icon appears to the right of the layer name. The pen icon indicates that this layer is the target layer, and anything you import or create is placed on this layer.
3. The eye icon lets you hide or display individual layers.
4. Using the Selection tool, click the screen shot image in the orange box of the "Tips of the month!" area on the right page.
5. In the Layers panel, drag the small blue square from the Text layer to the Graphics layer.
6. Click the layer lock box to the left of the Graphics layer to lock the layer.
7. You can't select the evolve logo because it is on the locked Graphics layer.
8. Click the Create New Layer button to make a new layer.
9. Double-click the name of the new layer to open the Layer Options dialog box. Change the name to Background, and click OK.
10. In the Layers panel, drag the Background layer to the bottom of the layer stack.
11. Choose File > Save.


4.1 Getting started

1. Move the InDesign Defaults file to a different folder.
2. Start InDesign.
3. Open the 04_a_Start.indd file in the Lesson_04 folder.
4. Choose File > Save As, rename the file 04_Frames.indd, and save it in the Lesson_04 folder.
5. Open the 04_b_End.indd file. You can leave this document open to act as a guide as you work. When you're ready to resume working on the lesson document, choose Window > 04_Frames.indd.

3.21 Viewing the completed spread

1. Choose View > Fit Spread In Window and hide any panels. To hide or show all panels, including the Tools and Control panel, press Tab.
2. Choose View > Screen Mode > Preview to hide all guides, grids, frame edges, and the pasteboard.
3. Choose File > Save.

3.20 Rotating Spreads

1. Open the 03_End.indd document in the Lesson _03 folder. In the Pages panel, double-click page 4 to select it.
2. Choose View > Rotate Spread > 90 degree CW.
3. Choose View > Rotate Spread > Clear Rotation.
4. Close the document without saving changes.


2009年12月6日 星期日

3.19 Overriding master page items on document pages

There are some errors. I need to do from the beginning of this chapter.
1. 03_End.indd is what the finished document looks like. Leave it open for reference.
2. Choose File > Document Presets > Define -->New. In the New Document Preset dialog box, set the following:
In the New Document Preset dialog box, type Magazine_1.
In the Number of Pages box, type 12.
The Facing Pages option is selected.
In the Width box, type 50p3.
In the Height box, type 65p3.
In the Columns section, type 5 for Number, and leave the gutter at 1p0.
In the Margins section, type 4p for Bottom; leave the Top, Inside, and Outside margins at 3p0.
Type 1p6 in the Top box of the Bleed option. The same value is used for the Bottom, Inside, and Outside boxes.
Click OK to save the document preset. (Actually, we may click Save Preset As button to save for later inspection.)

3. Choose File > New > Document. In the New Document dialog box, choose the Magazine_1 preset from the Document Preset menu and click OK. Then choose File > Save As. Name the file 04_Setup.indd in the Lesson_03 folder and click Save.
4. Double-click the name A-Master. Choose Layout > Create Guides. In the Create Guides dialog box, select Preview. For the Rows option, type 8 in the Number box and 0 in the Gutter box. For Fit Guides To, select Margins. Click OK.
5. Press Ctrl and drag a ruler guide down to about 62 picas. Drag a ruler guide from the vertical ruler to the 12p0.6 position and another guide to the 88p5.4 position. Choose File > Save.
6. Select the Type tool. On the left master page, drag a text frame below the 2nd column where the guides intersect. With the insertion point in the new text frame, choose Type > Insert Special Character > Markers > Current Page Number. To add an em space after the page number, with the insertion point in the text frame, choose Type > Insert White Space > Em Space. Type Summer Vacations after the em space. Select the text frame and choose Type > Character to view the Character panel. Choose Adobe Garamond Pro from the Font Family menu and Regular from the Type Style menu. The Font Size box is 12 pt. Make sure that the footer text frame on the left master page is selected. Hold down the Alt key and drag the text frame to the right master page.
Select the Type tool, and click anywhere inside the text frame on the right master page, creating an insertion point. Click Paragraph Formatting Controls at the left side of  the Control panel, and then click the Align Right button. Delete the em space and page number at the beginning of the footer. Place the insertion point at the end of Summer Vacations and then choose Type > Insert Special Character > Markers > Current Page Number. Place the insertion point between "Summer Vacations" and the page number character. Right-click and then choose Insert White Space > Em Space. Choose File > Save.

7. Confirm that the A-Master page is still selected. Choose Master Options for "A-Master" from the Pages panel menu. In the Name box, type Grid-Footer, and click OK.
8. Choose New Master from the Pages panel menu. In the Name box, type Placeholder. From the Based On Master menu, choose A-Grid-Footer, and click OK.
9. Select the Type tool. In the pasteboard area off of the left edge of the 1st column, drag to create a text frame that is slightly wider than the page and approximately as tall as one of the grid blocks. With the insertion point inside of the new text frame, type Season Feature. Triple-click on the text you typed to select all the characters in the frame. Click Character Formatting Controls in the Control panel to view the character formatting options. (Only after the type tool is selected, are the Character Formatting Controls and Paragraph Formatting Controls shown.)Choose Trajan Pro from the Font Family menu. Double-click to select the word "SEASON." In the Font Size menu in the Control panel, select 36 pt. Next select the word "FEATURE" and select 60 pt from the Font Size menu. In the Control panel, select Paragraph Formatting Controls and then click the Align Center button. Select the Selection tool. The text frame is selected. Click and drag the lower-center handle of the text frame intil the frame is just enough to contain the text. In the Control panel, select the upper-left point of the reference point locator. (Only after the Selection tool is selected, is the reference point locator shown.) Click the Rotate 90 degree Counter-clockwise button in the middle of the Control panel.  Drag the rotated text frame down so that the top edge snaps to the margin guide at the top of the page and the right edge snaps to the right column guide in the far-left column. Then drag the center handle on the bottom of the frame to stretch the frame to the lower margin of the page. Choose File > Save to save the document.
10. Drag a ruler guide from the horizontal ruler to the 34-pica location on the left master page. Select the Rectangle Frame tool in the Tools panel. Position the crosshair pointer on the bleed guide outside the upper-left edge of the page at X 11p0 and -1p6. Click and drag to create a frame that extends down from the bleed guide above the top of the page to the horizontal guide you set at the 34-pica location and over to the column guide at the 29p1.8 position. Then drag a ruler guide down to the 46-pica location on the right master page. Draw a rectangular frame that extends horizontally from the spine along the left edge of the right master page to the bleed guide outside the right edge of the page. The top edge of the frame should align with the guide you just created in the previous step; the bottom edge should align with the bleed guide below the bottom of the page. Choose File > Save.
11. Select the placeholder graphics frame that you created on the left master page. Choose Window > Text Wrap to open the Text Wrap panel, and then select Wrap Around Bounding Box. Type 1p0 in the Bottom Offset box, leaving all of the other offset settings at 0p0. Press Enter. Select the placeholder graphics frame on the right master page. Type 1p0 in the Top Offset box,  leaving all of the other offset settings at 0p0. Press Enter. Close the Text Wrap panel, and choose File > Save.
12. Select the Selection tool and drag a new guide from the horizontal ruler to the 16-pica location. Choose View > Grids & Guides > Lock Guides. Select the Rectangle Frame tool. Position the pointer where the bleed guides intersect outside the upper-right corner of the right master page. Click and drag, drawing a frame that extends horizontally to the spine and vertically to the horizontal guide at the 16-pica position. In the upper-left corner of the Swatches panel, click the Fill box, and then click [Paper] in the list of swatches to set [Paper] as the placeholder color for the frame. Still using the Rectangle Frame tool, position the pointer where the bleed guides intersect outside the upper-left corner of the left master page. Click and drag, drawing a frame that extends horizontally to the right edge of the 1st column and vertically to the bleed guide below the bottom of the page. Click the Fill box in the Swatches, and then click [Paper] as the above does. With the new frame still selected, choose Object > Arrange > Send To Back. Choose File > Save.
13, Select the Type tool, and on the left master page, position your pointer at the intersection of the right and bottom margins. Drag to draw a text frame that is 8 rows tall and 4 columns wide. The frame should extend vertically to the top margin and horizontally to the left margin of the 2nd column. On the right master page, position your pointer at the intersection of the left margin and the top of the 3rd row, and then drag to create a text frame that is 6 rows tall and 4 columns wide. Select the 2 text frames you just created on the left and right master pages. Choose Object > Text Frame Options. In the Columns section of the Text Frame Options dialog box, change the value in the Number box to 2. Click OK to close the Text Frame options dialog box and apply your change. With the Selection tool, click the out port in the lower-right corner of the text frame on the left master page. Position the pointer over the text frame on the master page on the right so that it changes from a loaded text icon to a thread icon, and then click.The text frames are now linked. Choose File > Save.
14. Choose Panel Options from the Pages panel menu. In the Pages section of the Panel Options dialog box, deselect Show Vertically, and choose Small from the Size menu. Click OK. Click the B-Placeholder name, drag the name down, and position it on the lower-left corner of the page 6 icon or the lower-right corner of the page 7 icon. When a box appears around both page icons representing the spread, release the mouse button. Choose Pages panel menu > Apply Master to Pages. From the Apply Master menu, choose B-Placeholder. In the To Pages box, type 8-11. Click OK. In the Pages panel, click and drag the [None] master page down onto the page 12 icon. Release the mouse button when a box appears around the page icon. Choose File > Save.
15. 1. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 2 icon. Choose Pages panel menu > Numbering & Section Options. In the New Section dialog box, make sure that Start Section and Automatic Page Numbering are selected. Choose i, ii, iii, iv ...from the Style menu in the Page Numbering section of the dialog box. Click OK.  Starting with page 2, the numbers now appear as Roman numerals in the footers of the pages. Select page 6 in the pages panel by clicking once. Choose Numbering & Section Options from the Pages panel menu. In the New Section dialog box, make sure that Start Section is selected. Select Start Page Numbering At, and type 2 to start the section numbering with page 2. In the Style menu, select 1, 2, 3, 4 ...and click OK. Choose File > Save. 
16. In the Pages panel menu, choose Insert Pages. Type 2 in the Pages box, choose At End Of Document from the Insert menu, and then choose B-Placeholder from the Master menu. Click OK.
17. 1. In the Pages panel, (double-click the page 8 icon) click and drag the page 8 icon to the right of the page 10 icon. When you see a black bar to the right of page 10, release the mouse button. Double-click the page numbers beneath the spread icon for pages 8 and 9 to select both pages. Click the Delete Selected Pages button at the bottom of the panel. Pages 8 and 9 are deleted from the document.
18. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 2 icon to center it in the document window. Choose File > Place.  Open the Lesson_03 folder in your InDesignDIB folder, and double-click the 03_d.psd file. Position the loaded graphics icon over the graphics frame placeholder on page 2 so that the icon appears in parentheses, and then click. To position the image correctly, choose Object > Fitting > Center Content. Deselect all objects. Place the image 03_e.psd into the bottom placeholder frame on page 3. Instead of centering content, choose Object > Fitting > Fill Frame Proportionally. Deselect all objects. Choose Edit > Deselect All. Then choose File > Place and double-click 03_c.doc. Position the loaded text icon anywhere inside the text frame on the bottom of page 2. Click the mouse. Choose Edit > Deselect All. Choose File > Save.
While I position the loaded text icon inside the text frame on the bottom of page 2, I have to hold down Shift at the same time.(Holding down Alt has another different effect.) Otherwise the graphic on the bottom of page 3 will go down to page 4 after I have automatically flown the text into the fhreaded frames.
19. To make sure that you're on page 2. Hold down Shift+ Ctrl, and click the title placeholder frame on the left side  to select it. Using the Type tool, double-click the word "SEASON" to select it, and then type SUMMER. Double-click the word "SUMMER" to select it. In the Swatches panel, select the Fill box, then choose [Paper] to make the text white. Using the Type tool, double-click the word "FEATURE, " and type VACATION. Select the word VACATION by double-clicking it. In the Tools panel, make sure that the Text Fill box is showing, and then select the Eyedropper tool. Move the tip of the Eyedropper tool over the yellow area in the life vest and click to select it. The color you click becomes the fill color that is applied to the text you have selected. Use the same method as above to fill the wide rectangle frame at the top of page 3 with the same yellow color. And also fill the tall rectangular frame at the leftmost edge of page 2 with a dark blue color from the palm tree image. Choose File > Save.


2009年12月4日 星期五

3.18 Placing text and graphics on the document pages

1. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 2 icon to center it in the document window.
2. Choose File > Place. Open the Lesson_03 folder in your InDesignDIB folder, and double-click the 03_d.psd file.
3. Position the loaded graphics icon over the graphics frame placeholder on page 2 so that the icon appears in parentheses, and then click.
4. To position the image correctly, choose Object > Fitting > Center Content.
Deselect all objects.
5. Place the image 03_e.psd into the bottom placeholder frame on page 3. Instead of centering content, choose Object > Fitting > Fill Frame Proportionally.
6. Deselect all objects. Choose Edit > Deselect All. Then choose File > Place and double-click 03_c.doc.
7. Position the loaded text icon anywhere inside the text frame on the bottom of page 2. Click the mouse.
8. Choose Edit > Deselect All.
9. Choose File > Save.
I can't autoflow the text.  I  flow it manually.

3.17 Arranging and deleting pages

1. In the Pages panel, (double-click the page 8 icon) click and drag the page 8 icon to the right of the page 10 icon. When you see a black bar to the right of page 10, release the mouse button.
2. Double-click the page numbers beneath the spread icon for pages 8 and 9 to select both pages.
3. Click the Delete Selected Pages button at the bottom of the panel. Pages 8 and 9 are deleted from the document.
Just click the page icon and move it to the trash can. Then the page is deleted.

3.16 Adding new pages

1. In the Pages panel menu, choose Insert Pages.
2. Type 2 in the Pages box, choose At End Of Document from the Insert menu, and then choose B-Placeholder from the Master menu.
3. Click OK.

3.15 Adding sections to change page numbering

1. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 2 icon.
2. Choose Pages panel menu > Numbering & Section Options. In the New Section dialog box, make sure that Start Section and Automatic Page Numbering are selected.
3.Choose i, ii, iii, iv ...from the Style menu in the Page Numbering section of the dialog box. Click OK.
4. Starting with page 2, the numbers now appear as Roman numerals in the footers of the pages.
5. Select page 6 in the pages panel by clicking once.
6. Choose Numbering & Section Options from the Pages panel menu.
7. In the New Section dialog box, make sure that Start Section is selected.
8. Select Start Page Numbering At, and type 2 to start the section numbering with page 2.
9. In the Style menu, select 1, 2, 3, 4 ...and click OK.
10. Choose File > Save.

3.14 Applying the masters to document pages

1. Choose Panel Options from the Pages panel menu.
2. In the Pages section of the Panel Options dialog box, delelect Show Vertically, and choose Small from the Size menu. Click OK.
We man also make changes in the Masters section of the Panel Options dialog box.
3. Try to view all of the page icons in the Pages panel.
4. Click the B-Placeholder name, drag the name down, and position it on the lower-left corner of the page 6 icon or the lower-right corner of the page 7 icon. when a box appears around both page icons representing the spread, release the mouse button.
5. Choose Pages panel menu > Apply Master to Pages. From the Apply Master menu, choose B-Placeholder. In the To Pages box, type 8-11. Click OK.
6. In the Pages panel, click and drag the [None] master page down onto the page 12 icon. Release the mouse button when a box appears around the page icon.
7.  Choose File > Save.

2009年12月3日 星期四

3.13 Drawing colored shapes

1. Choose Edit > Deselect All
2. Choose View > Fit Page In Window ans scroll so that you can see the entire right master page.
3. Select the Selection tool and drag a new guide from the horizontal ruler to the 16-pica location.
4. Choose View > Grids & Guides > Lock Guides.
5. Choose Window > Swatches to open the Swatches panel.
6. Select the Rectangle Frame tool in the Tools panel. Position the pointer where the bleed guides intersect outside the upper-right corner of the right master page. Click and drag, drawing a frame that extends horizontally to the spine and vertically to the horizontal guide at the 16-pica position.
7. In the upper-left corner of the Swatches panel, click the Fill box, and then click [Paper] in the list of swatches to set [Paper] as the placeholder color for the frame.
8. Scroll so that you can see the entire left master page.
9. Still using the Rectangle Frame tool, position the pointer where the bleed guides intersect outside the upper-left corner of the left master page. Click and drag, drawing a frame that extends horizontally to the right edge of the 1st column and vertically to the bleed guide below the bottom of the page. Repeat step 7 to fill the frame with [Paper]. Notice that the new frame blocks the placeholder text from view.
10. With the new frame still selected, choose Object > Arrange > Send To Back.
Why can't I do the last two steps in A-grid-footer and other pages?
11. Choose Edit > Deselect All, then choose File > Save.


3.12 Wrapping text around a graphic

1. Select the placeholder graphics frame.
2. Choose Window > Text Wrap to open the Text Wrap panel, and select Wrap Around Bounding Box.
3. Type 1p0 in the Bottom Offset box, leaving all of the other offset settings at 0p0. Press Enter.
4. Select the placeholder graphics frame on the right master page. Type 1p0 in the Top Offset box,  leaving all of the other offset settings at 0p0. Press Enter.
5. Close the Text Wrap panel, and choose File > Save.

2009年12月2日 星期三

3.11 Adding placeholder frames for graphics

1. Choose View > Grids & Guides and confirm that the Snap To Guides option is selected.
2. Drag a ruler guide from the horizontal ruler to the 34-pica location on the left master page.
3. Select the Rectangle Frame tool in the Tools panel.
4. Position the crosshair pointer on the bleed guide outside the upper-left edge of the page at X 11p0 and -1p6.
5. Click and drag to create a frame that extends down from the bleed guide above the top of the page to the horizontal guide you set at the 34-pica location and over to the column guide at the 29p1.8 position.
6. Drag a ruler guide down to the 46-pica location on the right master page.
7. Draw a rectangular frame that extends horizontally from the spine along the left edge of the right master page to the bleed guide outside the right edge of the page. The top edge of the frame should align with the guide you just created in the previous step; the bottom edge should align with the bleed guide below the bottom of the page.
8. Choose File > Save.

3.10 Adding a title placeholder frame

1. Double-click the left page icon of the B-Placeholder master in the Pages panel.
2. Select the Type tool. In the pasteboard area off of the left edge of the 1st column, drag to create a text frame that is slightly wider than the page and approximately as tall as one of the grid blocks.
3. With the insertion point inside of the new text frame, type Season Feature.
4. Triple-click on the text you typed in the previous step to select all the characters in the frame.
5. Click Character Formatting Controls in the Control panel to view the character formatting options. Choose Trajan Pro from the Font Family menu.
6. Double-click to select the word "SEASON." In the Font Size menu in the Control panel, select 36 pt. Next select the word "FEATURE" and select 60 pt from the Font Size menu.
7. In the Control panel, select Paragraph Formatting Controls and then click the Align Center button.
8. Choose View > Fit Spread in Window to zoom out.
9. In the Control panel, select the upper-left point of the reference point locator. Click the Rotate 90 degree Counter-clockwise button in the middle of the Control panel.
Only after the text frame is selected, is the reference point locator shown.
10. Drag the rotated text frame down so that the top edge snaps to the margin guide at the top of the page and the right edge snaps to the right column guide in the far-left column. Then drag the center handle on the bottom of the frame to stretch the frame to the lower margin of the page.
11. Choose File > Save to save the document.

2009年12月1日 星期二

3.9 Creating a placeholder master

1. In the Pages panel, choose New Master from the Pages panel menu.
2. In the Name box, type Placeholder.
3. From the Based On Master menu, choose A-Grid-Footer, and click OK.

3.8 Renaming the master page

1. Choose Window > Pages if the Pages panel is not open. Confirm that the A-Master page is still selected. Choose Master Options for "A-Master" from the Pages panel menu.
2. In the Name box, type Grid-Footer, and click OK.

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