
2009年12月16日 星期三

5.14 Using simi-autoflow to place text frames

1. In the Pages panel, double-click the page 5 icon to center the page in the document window. Click a blank part of the page to deselect all items.
2. Choose File > Place. In the Place dialog box, deselect Replace Selected Item. Locate and double-click 05_Greentea.doc in the Lesson_05 folder. If the Import Options dialog box displays, click OK.
3. Hold down the Alt key, and position the loaded text icon in the 1st column at the horizontal 6p7 guide, and click.
4. Release the Alt key, and position the loaded text icon in the 2nd column on page 5 at the 6p7 guide, and click.
5. Choose File > Save.
Each paragraph of the loaded text has a pink background. In the Paragraph Style menu, I choose body instead Body. The pink color then is erased and the background changes to white.


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