
2010年1月23日 星期六

8.2 Creating a paragraph style

1. With 08_Working.indd open, double-click page 1 in the Pages panel to center the page in the document window.
2. Using the Type tool, drag to select the "Loose Leaf Teas" headline.
3. In the Control panel, click Character Formatting Controls, and specify the following:
Font: Adobe Caslon Pro.
Style: Semibold.
Size: 18pt.
4. And then click Paragraph Formatting Control, and increase the Space Before to 0p3.
5. Open the Paragraph Styles panel.
6. In the Paragraph Styles panel, creates a new paragraph style by choosing New Paragraph Style from the panel menu.
7. In the Style Name box at the top of the dialog box, type Head2 to name this style as the second largest headline.
Should we select Body Text from Based On menu?
8. Select Body Text from the Next Style menu, because this is the style used for the text following each Head2 headline.
9. Click in the Shortcut box, hold down Ctrl and press 9 on the numeric keyboard.
10. Select Apply Style To Selection to apply this new style to the text you just formatted.
11. Click OK to close the New Paragraph Style dialog box.
12. Choose File > Save.

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