1. Locate the Tools panel on the left side of the pasteboard.
2. To undock the Tools panel and make it float (it - redundant) in the workspace, drag the panel by its gray title bar or the gray dotted bar below the title bar to pull it into the pasteboard.
3. The Tools panel can become a honrizontal row by clicking the double arrow at the top of it.
4. Position the pointer over the Selection tool in the Tools panel and the tool's name and shortcut are displayed in a tool tip.
I doubt that the shortcut Esc can be used to activate the Selection Tools.
5. Click the Direct Selection tool and hold down the mouse button to display a pop-up menu of tools. Select the Position tool and it will replaces the Direct Selection tool.
6. Click the Position tool again, hold down the mouse button to display the menu, and choose the Direct Selection tool. This is the default tool that displays.
7. Point at each tool in the Tools panel to see its name and shortcut.
8. Click the double-arrow in the Tools panel to turn it into a two-column vertical panel. Click it again to return to the default Tools panel.
9. Drag the Tools panel to the far left of the screen to dock it again.
10. Choose View > Fit Page In Window and it can reposition the page in the center of the document window.
2009年11月16日 星期一
InDesign 1.1 About the tools panel
張貼者: 老哥 於 晚上10:04
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