
2009年11月25日 星期三

InDesign2.6 Adding Text

1. Select the Type tool. Align the pointer with the vertical guide that runs through the "x" in "Mexico" and the horizontal guide under the word.
2. Drag to create a text frame for a headline. Then select the Type tool and click inside the text frame.
3. Type "Exploring Mexican Folk" Art in the text frame.
4. With an insertion point still in the text, choose Edit > Select All.
5.  In the Control panel, click the Character Formatting Controls icon (A).
I can't find icon (A) until I choose Type > Font > Adobe Garamond Pro > Regular and then choose Type > Size > 18 pt.
5.1 Select Adobe Garamond Pro.
5.2 Select  Semibold.
Semibold can't be found in the Font Family submenu. The Chinese translation here in not faithful to the original English text.
5.3 Select 18 pt.
6. Choose File > Save to save your work.

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