
2009年10月19日 星期一

Change the Clip Size

1. Open 11-2 prprol --> Open Finished
2. Play the clip
3. Open Practice
4. Place CTI at the beginning --> Position's Toggle animation --> move crosshair to position 0,0
5. Click the Scale button (= Scale's Toggle animation ??) -->; Set Scale to 0,0
6. Drag CTI about 1/3 of the way --> Reset
7. Drag CTI about 2/3 of the way --> Reset again or Position's/Scale's Add/Remove Keyframe (with figure)
8. Move CTI to the end --> Ser Position to 720.0 and 480.0 (Chinese translation should be 右下角)
9. Set Scale to 0,0
10. Play the clip

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