
2009年10月16日 星期五


1. Open Lesson 11-2.prproj, and open the Finished sequence.
2. Play this clip to view the animation.
This is how the Motion effects will look by the end of this exercise.
3. Open the Practice sequence to start with the same clip but with no effects.
4. Place the current-time indicator at the beginning of the clip, expand the Motion effect, click the Position's "Toggle Animation" button to activate keyframeing, and move the center of the clip to the upper-left corner (position 0,0).
Place the CTI at the beginning of the clip, click the Position Toggle Animation stopwatch to switch on keyframes, and move the center of the clip to the upper-left corner (position 0,0).
5. Expand the Scale parameter, click the Scale button, and drag the slider to 0.
That sets the size to 0 for the beginning of the clip.
Click the Scale Toggle Animation stopwatch and drag the slider to zero.
That sets the size to zero for the beginning of the clip.
6. Drag the current-time indicator about a third of the way into the clip and click the Reset button. That creates two keyframes that use Motion’s default settings: the clip at full size and centered in the screen.
Drag the CTI about a third of the way into the clip and press Reset. That creates two
keyframes using Motion’s default settings: the clip at full size and centered in the screen.
7. Drag the current-time indicator about two thirds of the way into the clip and click the Add/Remove Keyframes button for Position and for Scale. (figure)

This clip will remain centered and at full screen for the time between the two keyframes. You could also have clicked Reset again to use those default parameters and achieve the same effect.

Drag the CTI about two-thirds of the way into the clip and click the Add/Remove
Keyframes button for both Position and Scale (you could also have clicked Reset again).
Doing that causes the clip to remain centered and at full screen for the time between the
two keyframes.
8.  Press Page Down and the left arrow key with the Timeline active to move the current-time indicator to the end of the clip, and change the Position parameters to 720, 480 (lower-right corner).

Move the CTI to the end (Page Down, then left arrow) and change the Position
parameters to 720, 480 (lower-right corner).
9. In the Program Monitor, drag a bounding box corner handle to shrink the clip all the way down to the center crosshairs. That sets Scale back to 0.
10. Play this clip.

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