
2009年12月12日 星期六

4.11 Resizing and moving an image within a frame

!. Press the A key to switch to the Direct Selection tool, and then position the pointer over the image of JefG until the pointer appears as a hand icon. Click to select the frame contents. The bounding box changes to another color (light blue rather than red), indicating that the frame is no longer selected but the contents are.
2. Select the handle in the lower-right corner of the graphic bounding box, and then hold down the Shift key and drag to make the image smaller. Continue dragging until the image dimensions are just a bit larger than the frame.
3. Position the Direct Selection tool over the JefG image so that you see the hand icon. Drag the image so that the right edge of the image aligns with the right edge of the frame.
4. Make sure that the image entirely fills the frame.
5. Choose File > Save.
You can also resize pictures by right-clicking and choosing Fitting > Fit Content Proportionally.

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