
2009年12月9日 星期三

4.3 Creating and resizing text frames

1. In the Layers panel, click the Text layer to select it.
2. Select the Type tool. Open the Pages panel. Double-click the page icon for the back page (page 4).
3. Position the pointer where the left edge of the 1st column meets the horizontal guide at approximately 34p on the vertical ruler. Drag to create a frame that snaps to the right edge of the 2nd column and has a height of about 8p.
4. In the new text frame, type Customer, press Shift+Enter to create a forced line break, and then type Testimonials. Click 4 times to select all the text in the frame.
5. Click the Paragraph Styles panel tab. Alt-click the style named Testimonials.
Just clicking Testimonials has the same effect, doesn't it?
6. Using the Selection tool, double-click the bottom center handle of the selected text frame to fit the frame to the text vertically.
7. On the page to the right, use the Selection tool to select the text frame below "The Buss" text. 8. Drag the center bottom handle downward to resize the height of the frame until the bottom edge snaps to the margin guide at the bottom of the page.
9. Choose File > Save.

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