
2009年12月13日 星期日

4.14 Wrapping text around a graphic

1. Using the Selection tool, select the graphics frame with the image of a Yield sign.
2. Hold down the Shift key and move the frame to the left so that the center point of the graphic is aligned with the middle of the gutter between the two columns of text.
3. Choose Window > Text Wrap. In the Text Wrap panel, select Wrap Around Bounding Box to wrap the text around the bounding box,
4. Select Wrap Around Object Shape so that the text wraps around the contour of the graphic shape instead of the bounding box. In the Wrap Options section, choose Both Right & Left Sides from the Wrap To menu and Detect Edges from the Type menu. Click a blank area to deselect all.
5. Close the Text Wrap panel, and choose File > Save.

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