
2009年12月13日 星期日

4.12 Replacing the contents of graphics frames

1. Using the Selection tool, click the JefG image to select it. Choose File > Place and then double-click AmyO.tif to place the new image directly into the selected frame, replacing the Jef image.
2. With the frame still selected, choose Object > Fitting > Fill Frame Proportionally.
3. Choose Object > Fitting > Center Content to center the AmyO image in the frame.
4. Choose Edit > Deselect All.
5. Choose File > Place, and select John Q.tif in the Links folder in the Lesson_04 folder. Click Open. The pointer changes to a loaded graphics icon.
6. Hover over the blue frame and the loaded graphics icon is surrounded by parentheses, indicating that if you click, the image will be placed in that frame.
7. With the JohnQ graphics still selected, choose Object > Fitting > Fill Frame Proportionally. To center the content, choose Object > Fitting > Center Content.
8. Choose File > Save.

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